"Good night, Loki."

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   "You'll survive to see another day."

  The Avengers came back from their mission five hours later after the incident. Their mission had been quicker than expected, Natasha thought it might have been some sort of a setup. When they saw me at first they had asked me a million questions about what happened to me. Sam explained everything to them since I felt uncomfortable with the whole team over me, drowning me in questions.

The one who helped me had told me that magic couldn't heal a wound completely, and would leave a scar just like a natural healing process.

   At the evening, Tony had ordered pizza for everyone. Afterwards, (and during the dinner) they had a nice conversation about all sorts of things. Tony would always leave a sarcastic comment. One thing I noticed, is that the sorceress, (I still don't know her name) hadn't joined us. In fact, I haven't seen her since the training floor.

   "One floor up, the second door to the right. If she isn't there she's in the library, two floors down."Someone answered when I asked where I could find her. Apparently she didn't like to socialize with the team that much. I excused myself and left. I walked down the hallways to search for her door, I found it just lik they told. I knocked two times and took a step back. No answer. I knocked again, still no answer. I guess she's in the library then.

   "Can I help you? Or did you come to thank me?" Her voice cam from behind me. I was just about to leave when she came out. And when I thought about what she said, I did want to them her for helping me earlier. She had disappeared right after she was done, I didn't even have time to thank her. "I wanted to thank-"

   She cut me off by holding up her finger. 'Ding.' Out from the elevator came Thor with a plate of pizza slices. "I have some of these slices of pizza for you, sister! You haven't been eating since we arrived!" His voice echoed through the hallway. She only gave him a glare and held the door to her room open for me. I heisted before walking in. "Not your sister." She snatched the plate from him before walking in after me.

I felt bad for Thor, standing there like a sad puppy, alone in the dark hallway. "Don't worry he'll be fine." Her voice was quite. Her room was dark. The walls was a very dark gray, not fully black, and the curtains, rug and bedsheets were green. Green and black was the most dominant colors. She had a shelf with a golden helmet with horns on. There was a shelf with books and her bed was big. King sized bed. "You wanted to thank me?" She changed the subject. "Yeah. Thank you for healing me earlier. And... when I think about, I never got your name either." Her face changed to more surprised.

"You don't know my name?" I shook my head. Then she used her magic to change herself. Green glowed around her and when it disappeared, she looked like a man. No sorry, he, looked like a man. "Do you recognize me now?" He asked. Once again my answer was no. Should I recognize him or what. It's not like he would take over the world, right? I said to myself. His face expression was emotionless. Like he didn't know how to react or what to say.

"I'm Loki." He told me. Loki? Nope, I still don't know who this guy is. "You still don't know who I am?" I shook my head once again and he slowly nodded. Loki was smiling to himself, trying to keep him from laughing. "So, when did you got here? Thor mentioned that you haven't eaten since you arrived."

"Is that your first question about me? Aren't you gonna ask what I did to end up here? Or maybe who I really am?" Loki sighed when I didn't answer him. "I came this Monday. Which is six days ago. And Thor is lying. I haven't eaten since I broke the bifrost." I frowned and asked: "What is a bifrost." Which he laughed at. "You wouldn't understand."

"I won't if you don't explain it to me." I took a seat on his bed. I, myself, didn't like to socialize or talk to people, but I felt curious and wanted to know more about this. . . man, woman, or both, or neither. Whatever they identify as. "Fine. The Bifrost is the rainbow bridge in Asgard. Whenever you want to leave, Heimdall will activate the bifrost so you can go to any other realm." That lead me to the next question. "What is a realm?"

Loki knew this would take a while with me asking questions and him answering. But he was kind enough to actually answer them. "The nine realms. There's Asgard, where I and the other gods lives, and Asgardians. Also known as Æsir. Then you have Helheim, that's where you go after death. If you die in a honorable way, on the battlefield, you go to Valhalla. It's like earth's heaven.

"Then you have Alfheim. The loans of the elves. The opposite of Alfheim is Svartalfheim, the land of the dark elves and dwarfs. Earth, or as we call it, Midgard, is also one of the nine realms. Vanaheim is lthe land of Vanir. It's also similar to Midgard.

"The we have Nifalheim, Jotunheim and Muspalheim. They are all the same. All thre are home of the giants. There's one thing in Earth's Norse mythology that's fals. That bing Nifalheim is the home for the frost giants. They actually lives in Jotunheim. And in Nifalheim is the home for normal giants. Muspalheim is the home for fire giants." The whole time I sat there focusing. It's was interesting to know about all these different realms and that the universe was so much bigger than you could imagine.

I stayed for a while, forgetting about the time. Whe had a quiet nice talk. Loki told me about his home, his mother and the beautiful gardens. He told me about the night, how the stars looked bigger and how beautiful it actually was. Earth wasn't even close to beautiful compared with Asgard and some of the other realms.

"You should get some sleep, Lynx." Loki said after I yawned for the fifth time. I wanted to complain, but I didn't feel brave enough to do so. Instead I agreed. "I never told you my name." I frowned making him smile. "I know. I've heard the Avengers call you that." I smiled back as I walked through the door of his room. "Before you go, I want wish you a good night, little one."

"Good night, Loki."

//AN: Yes, I introduced Loki as a woman since they are gender fluid. So there will be some lesbian stuff and some straight stuff. I feel like I haven't read that many fanfics with Loki being both male and female.

   And I just want to say that I know a lot about Norse mythology. In the real Norse mythology, Svartalfheim is the home for the dark elves AND dwarfs. I come from a Nordic country and there we learned about Svartalfheim. Nidavellir was never mentioned. If Nidavellir was an own realm, there would be ten realms. So Nidavellir and Svartalfheim are the same thing. And I'll bring up some more mythology stuff in this fanfic since I really like Nose mythology.//

Lynxजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें