Suppressing the urge to crumple the paper into a ball and throw it back at her, I clenched my fists and took a deep breath. I refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing me react. Instead, I focused my attention back on the window, determined to ignore her childish attempts to get a rise out of me.

As the lesson droned on, I couldn't help but feel a simmering anger bubbling beneath the surface. Chanel's incessant need to antagonize me grated on my nerves, and I longed for the opportunity to put her in her place. But I knew that stooping to her level would only fuel the fire, so I gritted my teeth and endured her presence with clenched fists and a steely resolve.

When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the lesson, I wasted no time in gathering my belongings and making a swift exit from the classroom. I could feel Chanel's eyes boring into my back as I walked away, but I refused to acknowledge her presence.

I was eating in the cafeteria with Rinoa and Ariena when we suddenly heard a loud crash, prompting all of us to look in that direction. I saw the nerd standing up, staring at the broken plate and scattered food on the floor. My gaze shifted to Chanel, who was standing in front of him. Kumunot ang noo ko.

What kind of trouble did that nerd get himself into now?

"My gosh, can't you see I'm getting food?!" Chanel shouted at him.

"Pasensya na," the nerd apologized, kneeling down to pick up the mess of broken plate and food scattered on the floor.

"Sorry my foot! Is this how you poor people always behave? Always so hungry," Chanel retorted harshly. I noticed the nerd pause at her words, while whispers erupted among the surrounding students.

"He's really copying you," Ariena whispered to me.

Both Ariena and I were taken aback when Rinoa suddenly stood up and approached them.

"Hey, Niona's copycat, can you please not cause trouble here? We're trying to eat," Rinoa said sharply to Chanel.

Chanel faced her with crossed arms. "Oh really? You're eating? I wouldn't have known," she said sarcastically.

Rinoa didn't back down, mirroring Chanel's posture defiantly.

"Hay, hindi ka ba nahihiya? Sa ipinapakita mo ngayon, parang gusto mong magpakitang gilas kay Niona, and..." she looked at the nerd, "using him to caught everyone's attention? Napakababaw mo talaga."

Chanel scoffed, "Why are you always so clueless, Rinoa? Can't you see how much of a disaster that nerd is causing?"

Rinoa raised her eyebrow, "Excuse me? I'm not the one who's always starting drama, Chanel. You're just jealous because he's getting more attention than you."

"Jealous? Please, I'm way above that loser's league. Unlike you, I don't waste my time with irrelevant people."

Kumunot ang noo ni Rinoa. "Irrelevant? He's a human being, Chanel, and he deserves respect. Something you clearly know nothing about."

Tumaas ang kilay ko. Oh?

"Whatever, spare me your moral high ground, Rinoa. You're just as fake as your designer handbag. At least I'm real about who I am."

Rinoa scoffed this time. "Real? You wouldn't know real if it slapped you in the face, Chanel. You're nothing but a shallow, selfish brat who thrives on tearing others down."

Napakurap ako. This is Rinoa's other side.

"And you're a hypocrite, Rinoa. Pretending to be Miss Perfect while secretly enjoying all the attention because you're..." Chanel glanced at me, "that bitch's friend," then she looked back at Rinoa. "Well, newsflash, sweetheart, you're not fooling anyone."

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