My hand was the one you reached for

Start from the beginning

"Noooo"This time it was me, groaning, not wanting to leave this little bubble we just built up again.

"We can't skip today"He said while he was looking through my closet.

"I knowww"I stretched my arms before I left the bed. I went to the closet as well, hugging Henry from behind.

"What are you doing?"I asked while laying my chin on his shoulder.

"Looking for a sweater that smells like you"He leaned his head to the side against mine.

"Isn't that too obvious?"I questioned, looking slightly up at him.

"As if anyone knows what your sweaters look like"Then he took a red sweater with a checked pattern out. He closed his eyes again and took a deep breath.

"I'm feeling so dizzy"Henry admitted.

"What did you do yesterday?"I was curious, keeping my voice low.

"They wanted to accept Wille into The Society. Some kind of initiation party for him."

"And you decided it was a good idea to do that the day before school?"I chuckled.

"Wasn't my idea"He groaned.

"You can stay here, if you don't feel well"I suggested.

"No, I can't. We can't give the teachers any suspicions"He took his head away from my shoulder, turned around and looked at me.

"I don't think they would get it if you don't go"

"Maybe, but I'm way too scared of August finding out that I skipped. He said we have to go to school"

"Okay but if you're feeling worse, please go to our dorm."

"I will"Henry turned around and went to his own closet. He put on a shirt and my sweater over it while I changed into normal clothes as well.

"You look cute wearing my clothes"I told him while he walked up to me, his face starting to blush.

"Shut up"

Then he pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Let's go, we're already late"

Henry reached for my hand and I gladly accepted, joining our hands. We left the room and quickly entangled our hands in the floor again.


I sat down on my usual seat in this class next to Wille. Though I would prefer to sit next to Walter right now, hold his hand secretly under the desk and adore him. With Walter sitting behind me, it wasn't even possible for me to look at him. Walter was talking with Alice and Elias, who were sitting behind him. I only barely knew Elias from forest ridge and I didn't know Alice at all and I didn't feel like talking to strangers right now.

I was still feeling dizzy, just glad I could sit now, hoping the teacher won't make me present anything and the lesson will end soon.

"Have you done the homework?"I turned around to Wille when he sat down on the seat next to me.

"Only parts of it, do you need it?"

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks"I said, a bit embarrassed.

"No problem"He opened his notebook and showed it to me. I looked through it and was about to copy some of his notes when our teacher entered the room. Everyone got up and stood behind their chairs.

"Good morning"She greeted us.

"Good morning, Miss Ådahl"Everyone sat down on their chairs again and the lesson started.

I loved you in secret - walter x henry (young royals)Where stories live. Discover now