Blue slimevasion

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Ren blinked as he looked at the tidal wave of bouncing jelly-like creatures with the features of a dog in front of him. There were around more than a hundred of them or something. A thousand? Well, this sucks. 

"I better get paid overtime for this," Ren whispered to himself before slipping off the dark brown trench coat he wore, revealing a pair of gauntlets/gloves in his hands.

"I better get paid overtime for this," Ren whispered to himself before slipping off the dark brown trench coat he wore, revealing a pair of gauntlets/gloves in his hands

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Looking at the group of slimes in front of him, the young man dug into his pouch and held it in front of him. 

"Okay," He said before pressing the thing in his face.

"Let's dance!" His voice, muffled by the mask he wore flowed out of his lips as the yellow lenses of his mask glowed

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"Let's dance!" His voice, muffled by the mask he wore flowed out of his lips as the yellow lenses of his mask glowed. At the same time, steel-colored shapes flowed from his gauntlets, forming a blade on his hands similar to that of a Katar. 

A blur of brown and steel clashed through the area, slaughtering the numerous hordes of the slime-like creatures with ease before strands of string shot from his gauntlets and with a jump, numerous more threads connected to the multitude of creatures

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A blur of brown and steel clashed through the area, slaughtering the numerous hordes of the slime-like creatures with ease before strands of string shot from his gauntlets and with a jump, numerous more threads connected to the multitude of creatures. A simple spin mid-air on his way down and the young man slammed the creatures into the earth before reeling his threads back to his gauntlet with ease. In less than 5 minutes, all the creatures were slain. 

"Not bad," Ren whispered to himself before raising his hand. Strands of thread flowed from the corpses of the slimes all around him and into his palm, forming a loom of freshly and tightly packed slimy-blue-colored threads. "But this material will be better suited for..." The image of numerous tight leather dominatrix outfits and whips made him shiver. 

"Damn it, Ren! Get yourself together! It's for the bills!" Ren whispered to himself. "Besides, it's not like I will meet some hardcore Sadomasochist in the near future or something?" 

Pocketing the new loom in his pouch and dispersing the blades of light into threads that were absorbed by his gloves-. 

Forming several delicate strands, the young man sighed as he latched it on some nearby clouds and started to web sling away. 

The sounds of angry screams belonging to a co-worker of his stopped him from his mid-web swing and landed on the branch of a nearby tree. Keeping the light 'shell' of 'threads' around his form, hiding his presence and body from being perceived, the young man looked at IF, panting lightly before grabbing a Dogoo that licked her armpit and crushed it without mercy. 

'What kind of world did I get reincarnated to?' Ren thought to himself as he watched the scene of IF slaughtering everything in her path while he rested on the tree branch. 'Why didn't I just get reincarnated to Racism: the game, a.k.a. Skyrim?' Ren thought only to drop the shell and land under the tree. 

"Hello there," He gently greeted, looking at Compa, IF, Nepgear, and the cute black-haired girl with red eyes. 


 "A ghost!" 

"Hello, Mr. Ren!" 

"Hello Renny," 

"Hey, weaver," IF greeted her co-worker, confused as to why he popped out from nowhere. The young man was dressed in his usual attire composed of a pair of black pants, black button-ups, brown hooded trench coats, and black combat boots. 

"Hey, wind-walker," Ren greeted his co-worker by her title. "I see you got yourselves in a bind," he noted before glancing at his gloves. 'Damn it,' "You guys need some new clothes?" He asked while pulling out his wares from his inventory. Oh, he will get some much-needed credits and even... 'trade' with them. 

"Wait, this cloth!" The black-haired girl said as she looked at him. "You're one of the tailors from Ravenloss," 

 "You're one of the tailors from Ravenloss," 

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Ren blinked as he looked at her. 

"I am, but I am currently out for a job from the guild," Ren told her while she looked at a certain something from his merchandise. Noticing the line of people at some of his merchandise laid out, the young man started calculating everything he could. 

"Uhm, do you have my order ready, yet?" She asked,

"You must be Miss Black," Ren looked at her and shrugged. As long as he got paid then yes. "I already prepared the materials for your order and my co-workers in charge of them should have started working on them yesterday... they will be done around let's say, tomorrow in the afternoon..."

"Really?! Thank you!" She said with a bright smile. "I'm Uni, I live in Lastation with my sister," 

"Is that so... I'm Ren Cruz, current resident weaver and adventurer of Planeptune,"


Ren counted the credits he made as the villagers celebrated the victory of the goddesses. Listing every single sale he made, the young man looked at the people cheering on the gremlin and the classic tsundere if his anime senses were to be trusted. He knew things happened with her look but whatever, it wasn't his problem. Sensing something, the young man looked at a faraway tree from his perch on a tree branch. 

He could not see them but he sensed them well. A pair with one significantly older than the other. Someone... no, something ancient. The other reminded him of a rat or mouse for some reason. 

Chucking his things to his inventory, the young man shrugged. Well, he needed to report to the guild. In an instant, the young man disappeared from the tree branch in a black flash, reappearing several meters on another tree branch before doing it again and again

"They cleared out all the monsters for us, how sweet." 

"Good, now we can search for that thing in peace, Chuchuchu," 

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