Epilogue (Ashika)

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I have been looking for an opportunity to make a grand gesture to Neil since last week when he celebrated our one month anniversary in such a wholesome way. And today I finally found a perfect opportunity. Neil has told me so many times that he is loving modelling, that I myself was feeling sad about the fact that his contract with us and Zebronics was coming to an end soon.

But today all my sadness went into dust when Sarah came into my cabin and informed me that Zebronics is looking forward to renew the contract and ask Neil to model for new products. They are even interested in making him a permanent, if he is interested. Between you and me, I know he is.

So that is the reason, I called it a night and 5 pm and drove to Neil's place. I have never left office so early in the evening but I don't feel bad about doing it today. The fact that I am doing this for Neil makes me forget every reason I am supposed to stay at office for.

I call Neil from the system installed in my car and he picks up within one ring.

"Hey girlfriend", he says raising my heartbeat. He has no idea what those words do to me.

"Hey boyfriend", I reply in my usual tone trying my best to hide my excitement. "Do you want to hear the good news first or the great news first?"

"The good news, I would like to save the great news for the last."

"Perfect, I am coming to pick you up. Be ready in exactly 10 minutes and meet me in the parking lot.", I say to him in the calmest voice I can manage right now.

"Parking lot huh? What are we going to do there?", Neil asked in his mischievous tone.

"Neil!! I am driving. Please don't distract me."

"Oh so you get distracted by me. Nice to hear that."

"Be quick. You have 9 minutes left.", I say and hang up before he could utter another word.


I picked up Neil from his apartment and then drove to our favourite café. We took our regular seats at the back and ordered our usual dishes. But just as I was going to break the news Neil pointed towards some one behind me and said, "That's Sahika right?"

And turning around I found that I really was Sahika with her secretary and ex-boyfriend, Abhay. Ya that's a weird thing I know, but a lot has happened in their lives due to which they are working together even after the history they share. But the main question is, "What are they doing in this café. This place is far away from their office. Why are they here together?", I voice my concern to Neil.

"I don't think they are here as colleagues. I mean look at their attire and most importantly look at how wide Sahika is smiling.", he said trying to keep his voice as low as possible.

"So, you are implying they are here on a date?", I ask, my voice coming out squeaky. I cant believe this. This two being together again is hazardous on so many levels. "I don't know she is your friend not mine."

"Should we go and talk to them? Ask what they are doing here?"

"Are you mad? We can't interrupt their date."

"So you are implying it is date." This situation is panicking me.

"Listen Ashu, it does not matter whether it is a date or not. What matters is we should not interrupt them.", he says in a really calm voice. How can he be so calm? Of course he is calm. He doesn't know how many people and lives can get affected if these two starts dating.

"I cant get them out my mind."

"Then how about, you try to get your mind on something else.", he said taking my hand in his. "Forget about them and their date. Lets focus on our date and the great news you were going to tell me."

"Okay then, be ready. This can be the best thing happening to you in 2024."

"No popcorn the best thing happened to me in 2024 is sitting in front of me. In fact she is the best thing ever happened to me.", classic Neil and his classic flirting.

"Well second best thing then."

"Okay, go ahead.", he says looking all too curious.

"Sarah came to my office this morning and told me that......", I take a small pause just to increase the pressure of moment. "Zebronics wants to extend your contract and add new products for you to advertise."

"Are you serious? We will be working together for longer?", he asked in a surprised and excited tone.

"Yes, you will be working with me for at least 6 months more.", I announce.

"This for sure is the second best thing happening to me in 2024."

"I know right."

I was just about to run him with details of the new contract when the waitress returned with our food and drinks.

Neil forwarded the tray towards me and said "Mango or kiwi?", he knows I love both smoothies equally and its really hard to decide. Which is why I take a sip of both the drinks one by one and decide to go for kiwi today.

I hand him the mango smoothie to him saying, "You will have to adjust with the less yummy one for as usual.", I say teasing him.

He took a sip from the straw while I was still holding it and said, "you tasted this. For me it's the most delicious thing in the universe." And then he blinked one eye.

He looked so sexy while doing it and I am not sure if I am blushing more because of the wink or the way he just flirted with me.

We sit there for around half an hour jumping from one topic to another and then we were sure that Sahika and Abhay had left and we were in safe territory to go we left the café and I dropped him at his apartment.

But before getting down from the car he gave me the most nerve wrecking kiss of my life. It was short, simple but still breath taking.

I am so excited about everything that is there to come for us. I just hope we stay like this forever.


Hey, readers.

Here is the second epilogue of OPPOSITES ATTRACT and the sneak peak into my next story as promised.

If you want more such cute moments of the life of Ashika and Neil, share my story as much as possible because I am going to give one new epilogue for every new reader I get before 15th April.

Also, thank you so much @thedreamergirl28for giving my story a chance. Hope you liked it.

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