Chapter 16(Neil)

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We are going to meet Sahika and Kali for lunch today. They don't know I will be present here with Ashu, they just think it's going to be a lunch with the girls. I don't know how they will react. I don't even know if they are going to react like I want them to. I hope kali acts like the gossip she is and tells my sister everything. I just hope everything goes according to my plan.

I am going Ashu at her office to pick her up. We had decided if we wanted to look like a couple, we had to arrive at the café together. She insisted we go in her car, but I explained her that a bike would make us look more romantic and in love. She fought for some time but at last she agreed.

When I reach the office, I'm first greeted by a receptionist who said Miss. Malhotra will be free in around 5 minutes.

That miss. Malhotra sounded so different. I was in the waiting area when Sarah came in and said, "I am sorry Mr. Neil I didn't know we had an appointment today."

"No, we don't. I am here to see ashika."

That's exactly when Ashika enters the room while fidgeting with her purse. "Sorry to keep you waiting-", She stopped when she saw Sarah there.

"Sorry ma'am I thought Mr. Neil was here for a meeting with me so I stopped to have a conversation with him."

"don't worry love I told her I am here to pick you up.", I spoke to Ashu while standing up. Her eyes went wide when I uttered the word love.

"Oh. Okay", she said with her eyes still wide.

On the other side of the room, I hear Sarah leaving a breathe. I look around to find a chocked expression on her face. Just what I wanted.

"You haven't told your colleagues that we are together now?" I asked Ashu.

Ashu just shook her head in a no. she was till shocked and her face totally showed it. We really need to work on her expressions or else we will get caught before even the words gets to Sahika and kali let alone Yakshi.

I bid a bye to Sarah and pulled Ashu out to the spot where I had parked my bike.

"What was that?", She whisper-shouted at me.

"I was acting, as we agreed."

"We agreed to act in front of our friends. Why did you tell that to Sarah? Now the whole office will think we are dating.", she says in one breathe.

"First of all popcorn you need to breathe. And secondly this is all a temporary arrangement. You can tell them we broke up after this is all over."

"And when will all this be over?"

"Until you find the right guy you want to be with. We will act the break up and I will tell my family that I am depressed over you so they won't pressurise me to get married for a long time I hope."

"What do you mean 'until I find the right guy'?"

"You don't want to have an arrange marriage right now and want to grow your business. So we will do this until you are ready to get married and your business is fully set."

"You think I am not getting g married because of my business?" she looks at me in shock as if she has seen a minster. 

"Yes, isn't that the reason? I figured you wanted to give your work the first priority and didn't want get married until you are all settled."

"My business is as good as it can get. That's not the reason."

"Then I guess you are just waiting for the right guy?"

"No silly, there is no right guy. I don't want to get married at all. It's not about finding a right guy or my business or anything like that."

"Then what is the reason?"

"It's because of what happened to..." she stopped abruptly and looked at me in terror. It's as if she was going to confess the deepest desire of hers but stopped at the right time before saying too much. 

"Just forget it. Let's go we are getting late for lunch." Obviously, I wanted to know more but this didn't feel like the right time. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sahika and Kali were shocked to see us arriving together. Just the reaction I had expected and wanted.

And their eyes widened even more (if that's possible) when Ashu told them that we were dating. Her acting was quite good especially compared to what she did back at her office. I think I had just caught her off guard. 

"You guys are joking right", Sahika started, "is this some kind of a prank? Is it April already?"

"No Sahika its just February. Stop being dramatic.", Ashika said to her friend with a blush appearing on her face.

"She is right sahika, stop being dramatic. This is all so exciting." Kali exclaimed.

This is perfectly. Kali is acting exactly like we wanted. She is so excited that I know she wouldn't be able to hold on to the information for more than a few hours.

"But just remember guys, please don't say anything to Yakshi. We want to tell her everything once she is back home." I interrupt in between the girls.

"Of course not. Don't worry about its Neil bhaiya. No body is going to tell her anything." Kali says with a glint in her eyes. I smile at her, knowing exactly what's going on in her mind.

We finish the lunch and the girls kept asking us questions about our relationship. At last I paid for all of us being the gentleman I am. Then I dropped Ashu to her office and went back home. I was playing COC when I received a text from Yakshi,"I will kill you once I reach there and I will burst your ears once I reach my hotel. count your last days Mr. Verma." I knew exactly what she meant.

Kali had done exactly what we wanted her to do. I called Ashu but she didn't pick up. She must me in a meeting as usual, so I send her the screenshot of the text I had received from Yakshi.

She called me after around half an hour. "This is awesome", she literally screamed. "I also received a text from her but I had replied to her very innocently acting as if I have no idea what she was talking about."

"I had no idea you were such a good actress popcorn."

"of course you didn't. you don't know about my talents."

"I think I will know about all of them soon."

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was having dinner with papa when my phone started ringing and it showed the name of Yakshi. I asked dad to excuse me and went to my room with my phone. Yakshi started yelling at me as soon as we I picked up her call. She was furious at me that I couldn't even make sense out of half of her words.

I held the phone away from my ear to prevent my ear from bursting.

She paused for a moment and I knew it was the right time to say what I wanted. "don't you want your best friend and brother to be happy? We like each other Yakshi. Once we started spending time together because of practice, I realised that she was a really good human."

"Ashu told me the same thing." Of course she did. That's what we had decided.

"She told me that you knew everything about her and Sreshth and that you and no problem with it. Is it true?" Yakshi said to me over the phone.

"of course it is true."

"Bhai why didn't you guys tell me about it? Why did you guys go to Sahika and Kali first?"I told her the same reason I had explained to Ashu. We talked to each other for a few minutes in which she asked me a million more questions and I answered each one of them with ease. Thank God I had discussed everything with Ashu beforehand.


Hey readers, sorry for such a late update.

SO basically I wasn't getting good response so I stopped posting. But i got some real cute comments today and well... I will try to update regularly

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