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(If this story is already in wattpad please comment or dm me i will be grateful ) Chapter 1 omega

Turn off the lights small medium large

Next chapter: Chapter 2 No brain!

Chapter 1 Omega



It's so noisy!

Ruan Chao, who was lying in the nutrition warehouse, moved his eyelids, his thick and long black eyelashes trembled, and then he opened them, revealing a pair of clean, clear but cold eyes.

Looking at the dusty glass of the nutrition bin, Ruan Chao blinked. How long had he been lying there?

As he woke up, the door of the nutrition compartment slowly opened, and he slowly sat up.

His mind was dizzy and he couldn't remember many things. He didn't even know why he was here.

Looking around, I saw a strange house, a strange environment, and there were explosions from time to time outside. Where is this?

He frowned, and when he came out of the nutrition warehouse, he wanted to go to the place where the sound was, but the moment he touched the ground, his legs went weak and he almost fell to the ground.

He looked down at his skinny body and frowned. What happened to him?

After a while, he slowly got used to his body after not walking for a long time.

He held on to the wall and slowly walked in the direction of the sound. He could vaguely hear curses, and the sounds became clearer and clearer.

"I'm so stupid. What the hell is this?"

"Shut up, there's movement at three o'clock."



Several people's voices sounded one after another.

"Wait, it seems to be a person."

A slightly smoky voice sounded.

"Brother Shao, are you sure you are a human?"

came another younger voice.

"Your father, I'm not blind."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ruan Chao saw a heavily armed man standing more than ten meters away from him, pointing a gun at him.

The camouflage uniform on his body was so dirty that the color was almost invisible, and his face was covered in black and gray, making it impossible to tell his specific appearance.

However, his facial features were vaguely good, with a high nose, a faint smile on his thin lips, and a pair of black and scary eyes.

"Hey, what do you do?"

the man shouted at him.


Ruan subconsciously took two steps forward, but was stopped by someone:


"Don't move!"

The other person's hand was on the trigger and he was looking at him with a frown.

"My name is Ruan Chao..."

Ruan Chao spoke slowly, but he couldn't say more. He didn't remember what he did, let alone why he was here.

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