Chapter 3:Who...?

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(Rimuru POV)

Arriving at the Cave near our house, i Crouch down and made Fran look at me and told her to go and hide inside the Cave

"Fran.. Go inside and hide and wait for mother and father to come and get you, okay?"

Seeing the sad look on her face she asked me

"Where Are You going mother? father gonna be okay?

" Mother is going to go and help your father to fight the bad guy.... And i'm sure your father is alright"

Still seeing her sad face I reach into my shoulder bag and took out an  Amulet and a ring that I made a few month ago before giving it to Fran

After giving the Amulet and the ring I told her the function

"Fran.... I made This amulet for you... It has a [Protection Barrier] enchancement on it, it can protect you from danger.. "

"Meanwhile this ring has a basic fireball spell incarve on it... If you need to protect yourself just point your hand and chant 'Fire', Okay?"

Seeing her nodding her head, I told her to go hide... Turning my head away from the Cave , I got ready to go back to our house and help Shizue, but suddenly I feel somebody tugging on my sleeve.... Peeking above my shoulder I saw her haaving a scared and sad look

Turning around I asked her a question

"What's the matter sweetheart?"

"Are You and father really gonna come back?... "

"Yes.... Then how about we make A promise?"


"Yes, a promise"

"Mother promise that, me and your father will come back to you and live in our house peacefully. Not only that I will also cook all of your favourite food"

Showing her my pinky finger , she immediately lock it with hers... Showing her small and warm smile, turning around I started to run before peeking over my shoulder to see if she had already gone in the Cave. Conforming it, I started to focus running back home

'Shizue.... '

Arriving back at our house, I was greeted by the sight of Shizue that is barely standing and fill with bruises and burned mark. Seeing tha man getting ready to use another attacked. I didn't waste any time, I quickly run toward Shizue, getting in front of him, I quickly activated my [Universal Barrier] . Blocking the attack, I grabbed his shoulder and use [Universal Motion] to get to a safer place

Arriving behind a rock and still near our house, I immediately Lay him beside the rock and proceeded to heal him using [Heal]

"Shizue... Please endure the pain for a moment"

Getting a nod from him, I started to focusing.... But..... Why isn't the healing working!?

But I still didn't give up, I forced myself to used [Heal] repeatedly

'C'mon... C'mon.... Why isn't working!'

Still using [Heal], I suddenly hear a voice from the behind....

"What a truly sad and pitiful sight.... It's better if you stop to try and heal him since it's futile"

"My flame is not just ordinary flame.... The flame that I possessed is 'His' power when I become his subordinate making it impossible to healed it using any normal skill"

"And also......... I hope your daughter would'nt mind some company"

Hearing his statement I stopped trying and quickly use [Shadow Step] to arrived infront of him...getting ready to strike him with my dagger I used [Illusion Assault] to stop my attacked from getting block.

"Khahaha.... Not bad for a black cat, but too bad it doesn't work on me!"

Trying to grabbed me with his hand, I quickly maneuver back and manage to dodge it.... Keeping my stance, I saw him grining widely making my blood boiled even more

"That's an awfully angry look you have...what? Did I strike a nerve?"

Without wasting any time hearing his remark, I quickly craft a geometrical design in the air, stretching it out into a layered before getting ready to chant to activate it

'Let me provide you a prayer to the divine... I hope and desire for the power of the holy spirits.... Listen to my appeal and overcome all in your way! [Overdrive Disintegration]'

Activating it, a large magic circle appeared underneath him and multiple magic circle above him before engulfing him with a bright light...

Panting, I slowly made my way to Shizue before hearing his voice... Widening my eyes, I slowly turned my head around

"That's quite unexpected.... For a black cat to be able to use skill of holy magic.... You truly surprises me"

'H-How! That should've done a good damage against him... But.. Why is his body doesn't even have a single scratch?!'

"KHAHAHAHA..... But, too bad the lowest evolution of the skill won't do anything against me"

Before I can even prepare for another attack, he kick me on the left side of my abdomen, launching me to a tree


As I was trying to get up from the impact, he appeared infront of me with his palm facing me.... Pushing myself to the limit, I use [Universal Motion] and teleport Shizue. arriving at Shizue, grabbing his shoulder I try to use [Universal Motion] once again...but suddenly I cough up blood?

'What is this? D-did I push myself to hard? And my vision... It's getting blurry...'

"Oh, did the mana drainage finally kick it? I wonder when it's gonna happen"

Looking up to him, I saw him walking slowly towards me and Shizue with a wide and mocking grin

Trying to muster my strength, just to end up failling

'I'm sorry My cute little Fran.... It seems me and your father can't be with you till you're a grown up'

Hugging Shizue body tightly, I close my eyes to wait for the strike to come...

'Huh... Nothing... happen?"

Opening my eyes I saw 'Ice? ' and hear a woman voice from behind

(3rd POV)

A woman that seems to be in her 20s? With white hair like snow and a rappier on her waist with a snowflake carvings arrived at the scene. Opening her mouth the woman spoke

"It seems big brother is getting sluggish with his prediction and timing"

Just as she arrived we can see a surprised expression on Charys face that is barely noticeable

"You.... It seems HE finnaly started to make a move... It's been centuries since our last fight.....

Velzard..... "

(1050 words)

Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita RE: Rimuru ScouringWhere stories live. Discover now