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‼️ This is a special and a short episode by the way ‼️

Scenario: Where yeonwoo and yoohan are finally at college living together at an apartment.

Yeonwoo woke up to find out that there's no class today he's also happy that there's no class because he got to be with yoohan today but he realized he still has some college paper work to do so he had no choice but to do it. But before he did his college work he cooked some food for himself and for yoohan once he woke up after cooking yeonwoo ate the food then after he brushed his teeth and went to his study room to do his college work. Yeonwoo heard his door open to see a sleepy yoohan still in pajamas and messy hair.

"Oh Yoohan! You're awake, there's food in the kitchen you should eat"

"Where's my morning kiss??"

"Okay wait"

Yeonwoo went up to yoohan and kissed his lips then told him to eat breakfast and pointed to the kitchen before heading back to his seat.

"I'll go do some college work okay? Don't interrupt me this time please."

"You're always busy and you don't even have time for me .. The deadline of our works in a week, why don't you just go do it before the submission??"

"I'm sure there would be a lot of work our professor would give us and I don't want this work to get in my way so I'm basically gonna finish early."

"You don't love me anymore? That's why you don't have time for me anymore...."

"Yoohan.. don't say that of course i love you but i really..really..have to finish this today.."

"Okay fine.. I'll just eat while you do your work.. just say if you don't love me anymore..."

Yoohan just simply walked out of yeonwoo's study room.

I feel guilty for not having time for him, that's when i realized that i always ignore him whenever i go do my college works he even thinks that I don't love him anymore.. i think i really should not do this college work today.. yeah i think i should do this before the submission.

Yeonwoo walked out of his study room to see yoohan sitting alone in the kitchen eating the food yeonwoo cooked, he feels even more guilty to see his boyfriend sitting alone, eating alone and having this sad expression on his face it looks like he wanted to cry but just doesn't want to show it in front of yeonwoo, but then yeonwoo went up to yoohan and kissed his cheek then hugged him.

"Oh yeonwoo-ah.. are you done already?"

"No.. I'll just do it before the submission.. i just want to spend my day with you.."

"Oh i thought you wanted to finish it today?"

"That's when i realized that i have been ignoring you all the time i do my college work while you just want to spend time with me i feel guilty for doing that, I'm so sorry for ignoring you, I'm so sorry you felt like I don't love you anymore.. please forgive me yoohan.."

"Ah it's okay, i understand you wanted to finish early.."

"I'm really really sorry yoohan.."

"It's really okay don't worry.."

"By the way yeonwoo-ah.. i love the food you cooked! What food is this?"

"Oh- uhm a new recipe that i found.. I forgot what its called.."
"Yoohan, you really forgive me?"

"Yes i already did i forgive you i understand you okay?"

"I'll just spend the day with you yoohan"

"Okay! Let's watch a movie later!"

"Okay sure and I'll buy the snacks"

"Ohh this gonna be so fun!"

"Yup its sure is, just keep eating and finish the food"


Yeonwoo just watched yoohan eat and kept smiling at him after eating yoohan put the dishes to the sink and started washing it. while washing someone hugged him from the back.

"Hmm yoohan-ah..."

"Yeonwoo-ah! You startled me.. Do you need anything?"

"I feel sleepy.."

"You can sleep in our room"

"This is way more comfortable than our room I'll just stay like this for awhile"

"Oh okay.."


A/n: Did you guys liked this special episode that i made?😼🙈

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