I'll Protect You From Now On

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Scenario: Yoohan is finally discharged from the hospital.

Yoohan is finally discharged from the hospital and yeonwoo had been by his side visiting him everyday even after school he would visit him, on the day, 2 people came to the hospital to surprise yoohan. Is it obvious who it is?? Joohaeng and Minjae!

"Wait.. yeonwoo-ah is this joohaeng and minjae?"
"Yes this is them.."

Yoohan came running towards them and hugs them.

"It has been so long how are you two? wait joohaeng?? Is that you? I never seen you in a red hair!"
"It's me idiot" 
"Dang yoohan you got a big scar on you" minjae said.
"Yeah... anyways i wanna go eat!" yoohan said.
"Your treat??" Yeonwoo said.
"No, joohaeng is going to treat us food!"
"Why me?"
"You must got alot of money in your bag !"
"Oh right whatever."

They went to a restaurant where yoohan never seen before because it was built when he was still missing. They went inside and started ordering.

"I don't know what to order they all look delicious!" yoohan said.
"You can pick anything you want yoohan, joohaeng is the one who's paying for it anyway!" Yeonwoo said teasingly.
"Ya! Don't order expensive ones! I don't want to lose my money quickly! Just order the cheaper ones!"
"Ya, yoohan was just discharged from the hospital let him order what he wants! He had gone through alot you know." Minjae said.
"Okay fine.. Just one okay?"
"Ooh i want to order this" Yoohan pointed at the menu pointing at the most expensive dish.

Joohaeng was shocked because yoohan wanted to order the most expensive dish in this restaurant.

Yeonwoo whispered at joohaeng.
"Ya.. let him be he's pretty new here and he wanted to try new things"

Joohaeng whispered back
"Okay fine.."

Joohaeng calmly said
"Okay let's order this for you"

But inside joohaeng is actually crying (poor joohaeng😭😭😭)

"What about you two what are you gonna order?" Joohaeng asks the two.

"Can i order the expensive one too?" Minjae said teasingly.
"Ya! No! "
"Jeez im just joking fine I'll order this kimchi rice"
"What about you yeonwoo-ah??"
"Hmm maybe tteokbokki"
"You keep ordering this whenever we came here to eat"
"Why you want me to order what yoohan ordered??"
"Nope nevermind "

They all laughed at joohaeng
Minjae called the waiter so they could tell what they wanted to order.
While they're waiting for their orders there's silence suddenly yoohan broke the silence by saying.

"What have you two been doing while im not at school??"
"Just how things used to be when you're here" minjae said.
"Ahh do you guys ever learn new things?"
"No the only new thing is coming to this restaurant every week" joohaeng said
"Ahh i wish i was here before so i can eat here too! With you guys!"
"Well yoohan you can now! From now on we can eat here!" Yeonwoo said
"Yes but please don't order this expensive dish again! Im only letting you this time!"
"Okay okay fine.."

After 10 minutes of waiting they finally got their order, yoohan was super excited to try the new food especially when someone is paying for you (🤣🤣)

"You look very excited yoohan, huh??" Yeonwoo said.
"I'm so excited! The food is very delicious especially when someone is paying this for you!"

Yeonwoo and minjae just laughed at what yoohan said while joohaeng is looking like he has been defeated in a game he's playing (im so sorry joohaeng let yoohan be😭)
After eating they said goodbye to the waiters saying they loved their food and went outside. Of course Joohaeng already paid for the food.

"Yoohan-ah what things you want to know more?" Yeonwoo asks yoohan.
"Hmm i don't know..i just wanna go home.."
"You feel tired already? Okay I'll go home with you, joohaeng and minjae you two can go home now"
"Alright! Bye see you at school tomorrow!"
"See you!"
"Why do you have to go home with me? I can go home myself"
"You we're just discharged from the hospital and something might happen to you while you're going home and you still really haven't recovered.."
"But.. yeonwoo-ah.. What if something might happen to you when you're going home, I don't want to think it's my fault, i don't want you to experience what i experienced, i don't want you leaving me here, i don't want to suffer when you're not here, yeonwoo-ah.."
"Yoohan-ah shhh that won't happen to me i promise.. and if that happens it's not your fault okay?? and try not to think about that past issue, I don't think you're ever going to recover from what happened to you if you kept thinking about this okay??"

Yeonwoo hugs yoohan comforting him
"Okay im sorry I'll try to not think.."
"Okay good, oh! Here's the bus let's go!"

They sat on the bus seats and yoohan started to feel sleepy and he slept on yeonwoo's shoulder  yeonwoo finds him cute while he's sleeping. After 20 minutes the bus stopped and yeonwoo wakes yoohan up.

"Yoohan.. we're here let's get you home safely okay?"
"Oh... Okay..."

Yeonwoo was with yoohan the whole time until he gets home he was holding his hand the whole time.

"Ya! I'm not used to this, you being so sweet!"
"Well get used to it!"

They finally arrived at yoohan's house and said their goodbyes, yoohan is a bit worried because he's still thinking something might happen to yeonwoo..

"Yoohan, Bye! See you tomorrow at school! I'll be going now!"
"What's wrong?"

Yoohan suddenly hugged yeonwoo tightly don't want to let him go

"Ya! What's wrong??"
"Please don't leave, Im worried for you"
"Stop worrying okay?? I promise nothing will happen to me, I'll message you when i got home safely okay??"

Yeonwoo hugged yoohan and reassures him that nothing will happen to him and he will go home safe. After yeonwoo got home safely he messaged yoohan as he promised earlier.

My Yeonwoo 💗
Im home! See? Nothing happened! I'll even send you a pic of my house that i got home safely!

My Yoohan🤍
Okay i believe you haha i was worried the whole time..

My Yeonwoo 💗
Okay good night! See you at school! Everyone would probably be talking about you once you got there!

My Yoohan 🤍
Yeah i imagine that, okay goodnight yeonwoo im so excited to see you tomorrow, the food was delicious by the way!

My Yeonwoo 💗
Im glad you liked it! Okay got to go now im feeling sleepy, love you!!

My Yoohan 🤍
i love you too my yeonwoo! Bye! goodnight!


They both smiled at their phones after saying i love you to each other and they went to sleep after their conversation.

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