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Daniel stood in front of the wardrobe containing all his clothes while I stretched out in bed. A yawn escaped my lips, alerting Daniel to my awakening. He smiled and came over to place a kiss on my forehead.

— Did you sleep well?
— I woke up several times during the night, I said, rubbing my eyes. You?
— I slept well, thank you. But yes, I could feel you moving all the time. Did you have nightmares?

I thought about it, I couldn't remember. I shook my head and got up to get ready. Today was the big day; Daniel was going to meet Charlie and my mother.

Breakfast passed quietly as we both watched the news on television. I saw that Daniel had started to stare at me after yet another yawn.

— You sound like you've hardly slept at all.
— Strangely, I'm not tired at all.
— Yes, but that doesn't justify the fact that you're just yawning. If it doesn't go away, I'll take you to the doctor.

I couldn't help laughing.

— No, Daniel, there's no need to make a big deal of it. I'm sure it's because I woke up several times during the night.

He pursed his lips and nodded before clearing our plates. I thanked him and helped him clean the counter.

When we'd finished, we got ready to go and collect my family from the station. Their train was due at around eleven but I wanted to make sure I was early. We finally arrived at the station at eleven and killed time doing a crossword; he was as bad as me. We decided to get out of the car and wait for them on the platform. Noticing that Daniel's breathing wasn't as regular as usual, I held his hand. I was so looking forward to seeing them again, even though I was sad because Harry wouldn't be catching his train until the next day as he hadn't been able to get off work.

— You've got nothing to worry about. They'll love you.
— Do you really think so?
— Yes!
— Then I trust you, he said as their train pulled into the station.

I let Charlie know where we were waiting for them. After a couple of minutes, I saw my mother drooling at the sight of Daniel.

— Mum! I shouted as I hugged her.
— He's really cute, she whispered in my ear.
— Mum, Charlie, this is Daniel. And Daniel, this is my mum and my brother.

Daniel hugged my mother and shook my brother's hand. I greeted Charlie and we made our way to the car. Although my mother seemed delighted, Charlie seemed to want to test Daniel. But I was sure that after a few days with Daniel, he would be reassured about who he was. After all, it was thanks to Daniel that I'd managed surviving Trevor.

— That's a really nice car, said Charlie. Is it new?
— Not really, it's a few years old, replied Daniel, flattered by the compliment.
— Well, impressive.

My mother and Daniel chatted all the way to my flat while Charlie watched Daniel. His fatherly role had completely taken over, which was very funny to see. Daniel had been very kind and insisted on carrying my mom's both bags. As a joke, Charlie gave him her suitcase, and Daniel seemed to forget that he only had two arms, as he tried to retrieve the third bag.

About ten minutes after we had settled into the living room, Charlie suggested we go out for lunch. We all agreed and left the flat before noon. I decided to walk next to my mother so that we could talk. This would also give Daniel and Charlie a chance to get to know each other better.

— Are you feeling better since everything happened with Trevor?
— Yes, Mum, Daniel and I have each other's backs.
— I'm so pleased, sweetheart. Is he feeling better?
— Physically, as you can see, he no longer limps. However, emotionally, the fact that he couldn't do anything while Trevor was hurting me haunts him at night.
— But he mustn't worry about that, he's done so much. You know, the whole time we were on the train, Charlie kept telling me to be nice to Daniel.

This surprised me, Charlie wasn't like that.

— Charlie looked suspicious at the station, so I guess it was all an act.
— 100%, laughed my mother.

Her laugh was so melodious that I couldn't help but smile. She'd been so worried after the incident with Trevor that I feared she'd withdrawn into a bubble of anxiety and sadness. Although she knew about a lot of things, I hadn't mentioned Trevor's inappropriate touching to her because I didn't want to upset her too much.

Seeing me daydreaming, she changed the subject.

— I love your Christmas decorations, by the way - you're absolutely amazing! It looks very professionally done.
— Thanks, Mum. Daniel helped me a lot with my new purchases. I was fed up with having the same decorations every year.
— That's quite normal. Dad and I used to change them at Christmas every four or five years. I think Daniel is very nice, and he seems very attentive to you. I mean, even though I've only just met him, I can still see his little glances at you to make sure everything's all right. Dad always gave me those.

I was surprised that she mentioned Dad twice in less than a minute. But it was true that he too had been a gentle and considerate person. I was smiling at her when my attention was drawn to someone walking quickly towards us.

After a few seconds I recognised Harry under the massive coat he was wearing and ran towards him.

— What are you doing here?
— Well, I managed to free myself up at the last minute, so I thought I'd surprise you. Well, everyone, but you're the one who's getting hysterical.
— That's great, you can't imagine how happy I am. Really, I was so gutted you weren't coming until tomorrow.
— Are you feeling better? he asked me quickly.

He looked so sad. After all, he'd been so tormented by our attack that he'd started calling me every day. He became paranoid whenever I took time to answer.

— Yes, I'm much better, don't worry.
— Harry! my mother said as she approached.

I made room for everyone to greet him. As Daniel held out his hand, Harry closed the distance between them with a hug.

— Daniel, I never shake hands to family.

As I wasn't expecting such words, tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. I was pleased to see that Daniel seemed more at ease now that Harry had joined us, so I suggested we continue our walk towards the restaurant.

— Unless you want to drop your bag off at home?
— Oh no, no, don't worry about me! I'm too hungry for that, he laughs before following me.

I thought about the day before, when I had ended my exchange with the stranger. Although I was still sad, my relationship was the most important thing there was and I couldn't have gone on like that with someone I'd previously been attracted to. It wouldn't have seemed right. I didn't want to risk hurting Daniel one day, I loved him too much for that. As if he could read my mind, he gave me a sparkling look. He was beaming with happiness. It was the first time I'd seen him like that since the episode with Trevor. The affair with the stranger had caused me to spend long nights tormenting myself. Now that I'd let go, I could return to a carefree life.

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