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Reputation sighed contentedly as she leaned back against Lover's white plush headboard, watching with amusement as Lover diligently painted her nails. Despite their stark differences, Reputation couldn't deny how close they had grown. It had been unexpected, given Reputation's initial disdain for Lover when she first moved in. But Lover had persisted, refusing to be deterred by Reputation's prickly exterior, and they had been friends ever since.

Raising an eyebrow as Lover grabbed a bottle of black nail polish, Reputation couldn't help but be surprised. Lover, with her bright and colorful room, seemed an unlikely candidate for such a dark hue. "You have black nail polish?" Reputation teased lightly, earning a huff and a smile from Lover. "I bought it for you," Lover replied, her words causing an unexpected flutter in Reputation's chest. "I thought we could do each other's nails. But I know you're not a fan of pink, so I got black instead."

Reputation's heart skipped a beat at the gesture, but she quickly brushed it off, offering Lover a small grin in return. Before she could dwell on the strange warmth spreading through her, their phones buzzed in unison.

As Lover continued painting Reputation's right hand, Reputation used her left to check her phone.

The Eras

Folklore 🪐: I'm bringing back movie nights, Eve and I are gonna order some pizzas, who's up for watching the breakfast club?

debut 🦋: bros talking like a old lady 😹😹🔥🔥

fearless 🫶: how many letters in devoured???

debut 🦋: idk I forgot how to count

reputation 🐍: both of you are so stupid

reputation 🐍: lover said she's down for movie night, she said she'll bring the blankets down too.


red🧣: I didn't know you could type in caps eve

red🧣: also love the movie choice

speak now 🎆: yesss, I 💜 the breakfast club

red🧣: you mean you 💜 claire standish..

speak now 🎆: can you blame me though???

reputation 🐍: are we all gonna ignore how red just called evermore eve

red🧣: stfu reppy

reputation 🐍: touché

okay hiii this is the first story I've written so no hate pls🙁

I love lovertation sm so i figured i would try to write a fic about them, any tips would be very much appreciated

update times will vary, I might post a lot (or at least I'll try) but then not post for a couple of day. We'll see how it goes

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