Chapter 5

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Effie woke up early for the Quidditch game against Gryffindor. If she was being honest, she was dreading the game. She had quit quidditch last year, but she didn't want to see her brother get hurt

"You ready for today's game?" Silas asked as sat down next to Effie in the Great Hall

"No" Effie replied dimly

"Wh- Oh" Jackson said "I forgot Harry was the new Gryffindor seeker"

"I don't understand the point of Qudditch" Nicolas spoke up "It's a game about getting a ball threw the hoop"

"Yeah" Jackson chuckled softly "Why did you use to play, Effie?"

Effie shrugged "I don't know, I guess it just made me feel closer to my dad, I quit cause I wasn't even in the same house"

"I'm sure he would be proud that you were the best chaser that Hogwarts has seen since 1974, after Sirius Black" Jackson smiled, knowing Effie didn't think that Sirius Black killed her parents

"Yeah" Effie smiled sadly before she covered it up "I'm gonna go and get ready, I'll see you later"

After Effie left, Nicolas frowned at his friends "Is it just me? Or has anyone else noticed that she's always depressed for weeks after going to Hogsmeade"

"Yeah" Silas nodded "I don't know why, she always disappears for the entire time we go to Hogsmeade and then come back just as we're about to leave"

"What if we follow her next time we go?" Jackson suggested

The three boys thought for a minute before agreeing

Effie walked into the kitchens, sneaking past the elves and she snuck through a hole in the floor, she walked down a tunnel for 10 minutes before she saw the wooden door above her. She gently pushed the door open and pulled herself through the door. She closed the door and snuck out of the shop while the shops worker was distracted.

She shoved her hands into her jumpers pockets and walked through the empty and quiet street, the homeless people littered through the cold alleys.

Effie made it to the all too familiar grave yard. She found her parents grave and sat down, she pulled out her walk man that she snuck into Hogwarts. She pressed play on her mixtape and listened to her music as she sat against her parents grave, staring at the crumbling house next to the grave yard. She knew she was missing all her classes, but she didn't care.

After what felt like hours, Effie took off her walk man and sat in front of the head stone

"Hi" Effie sniffled, already feeling the tears roll down her cheeks, or maybe they were already there and she just didn't notice them

"I fucked up a troll today" Effie laughed through her tears "It's as insane as it sounds"

Effie stared at the names of her parents before she looked down at the dead bouquet lilies, she pulled out her wand and revived them

"Um" Effie mumbled "I looked at the first video on dad's camera, I promise you, one day I'll find Peter and I will kill him, I don't care if it gets me locked up in Azkaban" Effie took a deep breath before more tears fell down her face, she knew it wasn't healthy to come visit her parents every week, she needed to heal but it was harder than it sounded

"Fuck, I'm sorry" Effie sniffled "I should probably go, I have to get ready for Harry's match. I'll come back this weekend. I love you" she mumbled before getting up and walking away, as she walked back to the castle, she thought of how Harry's first game would go, she was nervous but if Harry was anything like James, then he'd be perfectly fine.

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