Chapter 3

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"Silas for fuck sake!" Jackson groaned when Silas forced himself to fit into the armchair with Jackson.

The group was sitting in the common room the next morning, before breakfast started.

Nicolas laughed from the arm chair while Effie sat in front of him

"Morning" Silas smiled at the group

"You're surprisingly upbeat for someone at 7:30 in the morning" Effie smiled at her friend

"Yes well, I have an idea for a prank" Silas smiled "I read somewhere about a spell that makes the floors slippery, so I was thinking that after school, we put that spell on Snape's office"

"Oh, you brilliant soul" Nicolas smiled "Let's do it, what do you say Effie?"

Effie was 'the leader' of the group when it came to pranks, considering her father was the best prankster Hogwarts had ever seen and Effie always came up with the best pranks, every now and then the other three would come up with pranks but it was almost always Effie. After she found The Marauders Map, she knew her group would become the next Marauders. They were even un-registered Animagus'

"I say we're fucking doing it" Effie laughed standing up


Effie sat in the library during her free period, Hermione had joined her and the two read in silence before Nicolas and Silas came barreling into the library and sat with the two girls. Hermione looked at them nervously before burying her head into her book again.

"Bloody hell" Effie jumped "What are you two doing in the library, didn't you two vow to never step foot in here?"

Silas shrugged and leaned back into the chair next to Hermione with his arms crossed over his chest "Yes. But Snape is looking for us so we thought we'd lay low. How are you? I'm Silas" Silas turned his head to Hermione and stuck out his hand

Effie sighed and put her book down before looking at Nicolas who had a nervous smile on his face

"What'd you do?" Effie asked

"We pushed a second year down the stairs" Nicolas mumbled but loud enough for Effie to hear

"Nick!" Effie whisper-yelled "What the bloody hell is wrong with you two?!"

"It was an accident!" Nicolas defended himself

"No it wasn't" Silas smirked "He was picking on a first year Hufflepuff, and he didn't fall down the stairs, he fell down three of them"

Effie rolled her eyes "Well, I'm going to find my brother and see how his day is going. Hermione, do you want to join me?"

Hermione nodded in silence before packing up her books and running after Effie

"I think that went really well" Silas smirked

Nicolas turned to glare at his friend "She nearly killed me"

Effie found Harry walking down the halls with Professor McGonogall

"Hello, Professor. What's Harry done now?" Effie asked holding her book to her chest

"Oh, nothing, Miss Potter. In fact I was taking him to meet Wood, would you like to join him?" McGonogall smiled lightly

"Of course. Hermione, I'll meet you in the library before dinner so you can tell me all about your classes" Effie smiled at Hermione who smiled back and walked off

Effie sat next to Harry in court yard "So, how did you become seeker, Harry? What'd you do?"

Harry looked up at his sister "Neville Longbottom fell off his broom and he dropped this memory ball thing and then Malfoy picked it up and he wouldn't give it back so I cashed him into the air and he threw it and I caught it"

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