Part 2

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Mai came to visit Azula the next day. Azula had felt woozy when she woke up, remembering what had happened and reflecting over the dream she had. A part of her wanted to be angry at Kiyo for surprising her but another part of her remembered what he spoke over her, warmth radiated in her heart which hadn't happened often in her life.

Mai sat next to her, immediately picking up that her friend had a much different demeanor.

"So how's the shrink?" Mai asked rather tersely.

Azula gave a petty laugh, "How did you know?"

"I felt the difference, you can't fool me Zula, I'm just a little too in touch with how your mind thinks," Mai still acted the same as always but was wary for her friend. She never wore the gems and jewels of a future queen around her and wore simple clothes to not upset or make Azula feel outcasted. She wanted her dear friend to get better.

"I brought you something, thought you might like to celebrate with us, despite you not being able to come," Mai offered her friend a gift bag with popcorn with a small bag of fire flakes to put on top, the bag also held a necklace of the fire nation symbol.

Azula smiled at the thoughtfulness, "Thanks Mai, you brought one of my favorite snacks, I appreciate it," she was still hurt by the rejection of the fire nation but missed the grand festival they put on each year, so she accepted the gift.

Mai looked at her friend in shock but didn't say anything else about it as she visited with her. When she went back to the palace she hurried to find Zuko, she needed him to know of her progress.

She asked for a private meeting and he heeded her quickly.

"What's going on?" He asked, almost concerned as they gathered in his room.

"She's so different Zuko, almost happy. It's been the first time I've seen her genuinely smile in years. I think this healer is really helping her," She looked earnestly in his eyes, giving a small smile.

"Well that's great! Aang made a good decision about this one, hopefully she will continue to improve," He smiled with joy and talked more with Mai until the guard at the door knocked announcing they would be leaving in a few hours to make an appearance at this year's festival. Mai hurried out to get ready as Zuko smiled at the discovery. His sister did have hope after all, let's just hope she can be restored.


Kiyo had a day off during the festival. The Fire Days festival happened in the span of a week this year and for the years to come. They would travel like they normally did but the first day of the festival would remain in the fire kingdom, the next six days would happen all around to the other kingdoms, celebrating the new kingdom of the fire nation. Zuko wanted to promote the future as promising for his kingdom and the prosperity for all of the others. He was making sacrifices to appease the losses of the other kingdoms during the terrible rule of his forefathers and he was handling it gracefully. Kiyo enjoyed the joyous occasion which had been adjusted to celebrate the initially true culture of the Fire Nation. Masks littered the area and a variety of spicy snacks lined the stalls. Traveling people of other kingdoms also enjoyed the festival and Kiyo witnessed the many stalls where people sold more than just masks but jewelry and clothes. A water tribe stall caught his eye and he wandered over, immediately spotting a pair of blue pearl hair pieces encased in gold that glinted off the soft light like the sun at golden hour. He pointed to them without hesitation and noticed the girl shyly smiling at him as she packaged his chosen purchase. She waved cutely goodbye as he left. He was kind and continued on his way, holding the delicate items close in his satchel. He thought of Azula and hoped she had chosen to overcome, a part of himself feeling at peace she had chosen wisely, his heart ached for her.

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