{Episode 3 - Night Stroll}

Start from the beginning

Walking among the tables, (Y/N) was careful to not make any noise or jostle the chairs, it'd only cause a commotion. His heartbeat pounded in his ears and he was back in his childhood home sneaking down to the maid's kitchen to hopefully find some food. His feet followed the path they did back then and he weaved through the tables. He was so close. The washed out orange lights of the street lamps fell in shafts through the windows. So close.

"Hey kid you're forgetting something."

(Y/N) physically jumped, whirling around as his mind flipped through images of his father and a ghost like a flip book gone rogue. The images melded together in his mind as his eyes caught sight of the beast in the dark, barely an outline among the dark masses of tables and the order counter. The creature stepped forward into the light and-

It was Leon.

Dressed in a plain t-shirt and black sweatpants, Leon yawned and wiped his eyes to clear the remaining sleep. Had (Y/N) woken him up? Was he in trouble?
Leon stepped closer, keeping out of (Y/N)'s personal bubble but still within reach. Something shiny and distinctly metal glinted in his hand and before (Y/N) could say anything, Leon held it out to him.

"The door down here is on an auto-lock at night and unless you have a key, prop the door open when you leave, or have somebody to let you in, you'll be locked out."
He explained with all the excitement of a teen who failed out of history interning at a museum.

(Y/N) faltered for a moment, looking at Leon in bewilderment.
"..I'm not in trouble?"

Leon huffed a short laugh and gestured for (Y/N) to hold his hand out. Once the teen did, he placed the key in (Y/N)'s hand.

He placed his hands on his hips and looked at (Y/N) with soft smirk. (Y/N) didn't get the feeling he usually did when he was being made fun of.

"I understand needing to clear your head with some fresh air."
Leon tapped his temple and (Y/N) followed the movement with his eyes.
"Just remember to put your shoes on after you walk past mine and James' room, I'm not blessed with the same heavy sleeping powers he is."

Oh. (Y/N) grimaced and stared at the ground, an apology already forming on his lips.

"Listen kid, we're not your jailers."
Leon crossed his arms and tilted his head.
"We're here to help you grow up, and I know that we're all kind of strange and scary, but you shouldn't be afraid to come to me.. or James.. with anything."

James. Had Leon picked up on (Y/N)'s reluctance to be around him? He thought he hid it.

"I know I'm.. not the best with words but if you ever need something you can come to me."

(Y/N) nodded. A beat of silence passed between them as Leon watched the boy. Nodding as well, Leon yawned again and stepped back.

"'Night kid."

(Y/N) watched Leon leave. As Leon disappeared around the corner that hid the staircase, (Y/N) let out a soft sigh. Once more, the dining area was filled with silence, but it felt lighter this time, less like a rock being placed upon the building and slowly crushing it. Key in hand, (Y/N) turned to the door and turned the inward facing lock. The door swung open with a quiet jingle. A deep sense of dread weighed heavy in (Y/N)'s stomach, like the feeling before walking further into a cave, unsure if you'll ever be back. (Y/N) shook the thought from his head. The feeling must've been coming from the phantom memory.

Ignoring the dread, (Y/N) walked out of the store, key in hand, and closed the door behind him. The lock clicked in almost immediately. (Y/N) held tight to the key. Walking over to the car, he opened the passenger side door and grabbed his phone and headphones from where they rested in the glove compartment. The familiar weight of his phone in his hand soothed some of that lingering dread.

He spotted the dark pool of fabric in the passenger seat.
Maria wouldn't want me walking around without a jacket.
Snatching it up, (Y/N) slipped it on as he shut the car door. The warm lamp light was more comforting than (Y/N) had originally thought, scaring away the Ghosts just like the nightlight Maria had given him back when he first moved in.

He put in his earbuds, opening his music app. Originally, when (Y/N) moved in, he'd have nightmares every night about the ghosts nearby hurting him or ruining his life. Though since he'd grown up in the years since then, having seen true horror, and no longer needed a nightlight. The ghosts weren't scared off, after all. They never left.

The music began playing through the headphones, releasing the tension in (Y/N)'s chest as he walked. Every beat was timed with a step, careful and deliberate. It felt right. His eyes lingered on the sidewalk below him, watching his shadow grow and shrink as he passed each light.

Familiar. It felt familiar, walking alone through a street. It was like he was back in his home town. For a moment he was breathing in the crisp autumn air as he walked along Main Street after a Halloween party, or a Christmas party, or just a festival. A smile crept on to his lips. It was easier back then. An unwanted thought crept into the back of (Y/N)'s mind.

Back then, I had her with me.

The music died out and (Y/N)'s smile died with it. Even though the earbuds muffled the noises around him, (Y/N) could hear footsteps from right behind him. Right behind him.
(Y/N)'s breath hitched in his throat as he stopped walking and stared forward. Was it human? Was someone trying to mug him? The light ahead flickered and the bulb popped, sending a crystal shower down to the sidewalk. Not human.

The wall that (Y/N) had so diligently kept to his right fell away as the street turned; the corner now pitch black without the help of a streetlight. A blue glow cast behind him, emitting from what (Y/N) knew was a ghost. Had he accidentally attracted it? Was him being nostalgic acting as a beacon?
A sharp ache in his lungs suddenly reminded him that he hadn't breathed. Almost choking on his breath, (Y/N) inhaled and pushed away the ghost with all his mind.

Go away!

Taking a shaky step forward, (Y/N) came closer to the corner- before something slammed into him.

(Y/N) was knocked back, winded once more, as he fell onto his butt. The concrete scraped his palms as he caught himself, whipping his head behind him to.. find the rest of the street empty. (Y/N) looked back to see a boy standing in front of him.

A boy. Flesh and bone. No guts hanging from a torn torso or limbs twisted at awkward angles from broken bones that never healed. He's.. normal.

"Hey are you okay?"

So sorry to split this chapter but 1700 words is kind of a lot and my token "I don't know when to shut up-ism" is definitely kicking in with dialogue. Y'all are getting fed well next time.

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