
The response came quickly, and Kiyo would leave the next day by boat. Katara was giddy for another master to come to the fire kingdom and was perfecting his guest room, Aang was smiling at her excitement.

"You know he won't be here for probably more than a couple days, he'll move on to the island by next week," He tried to explain to her.

"I know but it needs to be perfect!" She cried as she fluffed the pillows.

He just rolled his eyes and kissed her cheek before moving on. Hope she doesn't fall in love with the guy, he scoffed.


Kiyo arrived shortly, he carried himself with humbleness as he walked to greet King Zuko.

"Pleasure to meet you, your highness, I am Kiyo of the Northern Water Tribe," he bowed as Fire Kingdom custom.

Zuko was surprised at his appearance. He was younger than expected, paler than most people and with long white hair to his shoulders, a strip tied in the back. He wore traditional blue cloaks of the tribe but with white feathers. He had dark blue eyes that surprised Zuko.

"Of course, it is a pleasure to have an esteemed water healer in the fire kingdom," Zuko also gave a bow. "May we discuss the assignment inside?" Zuko offered and he easily accepted.

They went inside and Katara was there, immediately introducing herself and asking him questions about the water tribe. Kiyo just smiled and patiently answered each one, before Aang showed up and introduced himself before leading her away.

They were finally alone and Zuko expressed concern for his sister. Kiyo had an expression of sadness for the princess and her situation and with a gentle nod he accepted to help her.

"The only thing is she doesn't speak to anyone outside of the fire nation," Zuko explained.

"I shall take my time, I plan on dedicating my time to her, as long as she needs. My purpose runs deeper than time constraints, your highness," he smiles gently, at peace and kind.

"Of course, the payment will be substantial, as you know," he tells him.

"No need for payment, I will only need what you give me to live on and that's all, nothing extra," he spoke clearly on his intentions.

"Of course, I appreciate the help," Zuko dismisses Kiyo after they discuss Azula more and he heads back to his room to rest.

He hopes this will be the right decision. Kiyo gave him such hope and peace.


Azula quietly eats her porridge without complaint, finishing quickly and resting it on the tray left behind for her. She sighed in anger, she hated the gloves, she wanted to stretch her powers to release the energy constantly bubbling within her. She rubbed her hands and rested them on her thighs, looking at the floor. She hears a door open and she perks up to see someone new standing at the entrance when the door opens. A man of pale appearance and white hair, with the softest eyes she'd ever seen is there.

"May I enter your room?" He asks gently, watching her with care in her defeated state.

She speaks before thinking about it, temporarily forgetting her quiet spell, "Yes, I suppose I don't have a choice," she spits honestly.

Her words shocked her but she doesn't let it show. She usually wouldn't say a word to an outsider.

He waits, "Yes, you have a choice, I allowed you it, and I chose for myself to help you," he spoke directly but with a firm softness that made her eyes look to him for leadership.

Kiyo the Water HealerWhere stories live. Discover now