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"John B pullin' a Houdini." JJ says as we sit in the hot tub as Pope and Kie test out the bucket thingy.

"Yeah, where is he?" Kie asks also confused.

"I got my scholarship interview tomorrow. We gotta get this done!" Pope says lowering the thingy.

"That's tomorrow?" I ask not knowing it would be that soon.

"Yea, hopefully it goes good." He says in worry. "When's yours?" He asks knowing I have big plans.

"Next year. Remember you guys are juniors, I'm a sophomore." I remind him.

"Right." He sighs.

"Speak of the devil. Hey! Dude, I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything." JJ lies.

"No, he did not. I did that." Pope quickly corrects as John B just walks past us into the house.

We all share glances of confusion as we follow him in the chateau. We walk in seeing John B look everywhere for it until he grabs the gun. JJ tried to stop him but fails as he goes falling into the couch.

Pope quickly steps in the way but he shoved past Pope as we help the boys up following John B worried and confused.

We walk out of the house as John B gets on the motorcycle. We all try to stop him to at least get answers and the one thing we got is.

"Ward knows about the gold. He killed my dad." John B sobs leaving us with sadness, confusion and worry as he drives away.

"Wait what?" I say confused as all of us are worried. "Look this is the last of my worries personally I mean I don't even like the girl but if John B knows, that means Ward probably has an idea that he knows. Is Sarah okay? Are Wheezie Sarah and Rafe okay?" I ask in worry for the kids.

"Rafe got kicked out so he's fine but we need to get Sarah out of there." Kie says also in worry for the girl.

"Think that's where John B went?" JJ asks as we all think.

"Has to be." Pope says as JJ walks away stressed.

"Let's all just go home, think and we can meet up later to find John B." Kie states as we all part ways.

I had no where to go so I went with Pope to his house. I sit on his bed looking up at the ceiling in worry as Pope chills in his chair.

"Think he'll be okay?" I ask in worry fkr the boy I was starting to care for.

"I don't know. I mean, Ward is rich and capable of so many things that for all we know the whole island could be being bribed by him, threatened." Pope thinks not understanding how this all happened.

"Makes sense." I shrug. "No way this whole island is against us unless they're working with Ward."

"It would make things make a lot of sense actually." He says as the room goes back to silence.

"Don't get me wrong, I hate her. But I'm really worried for Sarah."

"Me too." He sighs. "Neither of them should be going through this as this age. None of us deserve anything that's happened in our life. I mean John B doenst deserve a life without his dad. You and JJ don't deserve having to be scared to go home. Kie shouldn't have to hide who she is because her parents want her to be different. Sarah shouldn't be living with two crazy people. It's just nit fair." He said sadly.

"It's just the way the world work I guess." I shrug.

"You don't deserve what your father does to you." He says meaningfully looking at me.

Can't Stop Smiling • Pope HeywardWhere stories live. Discover now