3 - robin keene and her crew

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ziggy's outfit is the same as the last chapter!!


i scoff to myself as i glide down the street. who does sam think she is? telling me i shouldn't talk to someone.

and miguel? i only just met the dude today! how can he tell me what to do?

i'm knocked out of my thought when i'm quite literally knocked off my skateboard.

"ouch! what the hell?!" i look up at the cause of my fall, a brown haired girl stands above me.

"i'm so sorry! are you okay?" she offers me a hand. i slowly reach my hand out, grasping her hand, letting her pull me up.

"i'm... fine." i'm taken back my her bright smile.

"that's great! i'm robin!" the girl beams, "i'm headed to a party? wanna come?"

i raise my eyebrow at her straightforwardness, "do you always invite strangers to hang with you?"

robin's smile fades a bit, a sad sight, "no... but i knocked you over so it's the least i can do!"

"okay... cool." i give in, "lead the way."

robin smiles and walks the opposite way of where i was headed.

• • •

i can hear the music blaring from inside the house before we even get to the door.

"wanna meet my friends?" robin shouts over the music as she opens the door.

i nod slowly.

"yay!" she grabs my arm and pulls me up stairs and into a bedroom room. a group of people are sitting around the room.

the music seems to fade as we enter the room.

"hey, who's the new girl?" an unfamiliar voice goes. the voice belongs to a teenage boy, he's sprawled out on the bed with a science textbook in his hands.

who brings a book to a party?

"this is ziggy! i knocked her off her board so now we're best friends." robin shrugs, smiling.

alright, i guess making new friends won't be so hard.

"okay..." the boy from before trails, "i'm theo, beautiful." theo winks.

"and i'm..." i trail off to tease him, "not interested." i smirk.

he huffs playfully, grabbing his heart, "you wound me, woman." we share a laugh.

a tall brunette, who's laying on the ground, throwing a ball in the air, speaks, "now that theo's bad flirting is over, i'm jaxon but you can call me jax. i'm the idiots twin brother."

i nod in acknowledgment.

i turn my attention to the tan-skinned girl who's sitting in a chair in the corner of the room as she says, "hey, name's max." max nods in my direction, "robin, i thought we told you no strays."

robin smiles sheepishly, "i couldn't resist! she's going to fit in with us great!"

"i can see her being a great addition to the group." jax nods approvingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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ZIG ZAG - ROBBY KEENEWhere stories live. Discover now