1- This... is your sister... Ziggy

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^Ziggy's outfit for this chapter^

ZIGGY LARUSSO-ROSE walks up to the door of the Larusso household. She stares at the door for a minute before she finally knocks softly.

She waits a minute, chickening out she turns around beginning to walk away, the sound of the door opening makes her stop.

She turns around and sees the woman that she learned was named Amanda, holding a coffee mug.

Amanda smiles kindly before speaking, "Can I help you?"

Ziggy looks at her giving her a nervous smile, "Hi, sorry I'm Ziggy Larusso-Rose. I'm looking for my dad, Daniel Larusso."

Amanda drops the mug she was holding in shock. She quickly gathers the pieces of broken glass, throwing it in the trash can that was placed near the door. She waves Ziggy in, watching as she steps through the door.

Amanda stares at Ziggy, calling out, "Daniel! Come here please."

Ziggy looks up from the ground to see Daniel walking into the room. He look at his wife and Ziggy in confusion, "who's this?"

"I'm Ziggy Larusso-Rose, well that's my nickname. I hate my name. My real name is Danielle Christine Larusso-Rose. I know it's so long. I was named after you because you're my dad. And- oh shit I've been rambling. I'm sorry, I ramble when I'm nervous. And I'm going to shut up now." Ziggy rambles nervously, looking at Daniel who looks like he was going to throw up.

Daniel opens and closes his mouth a few times before finally speaking, "I think we need to call the kids for a family meeting."

Ziggy sits at the kitchen table waiting for Daniel and Amanda to return with her siblings. When they return, there are two other people with them. The girl, Samantha, has bruises on her face. She must've recently been in a fight. Awesome! Ziggy thinks.

They all sit around the table in awkward silence. Ziggy being Ziggy decides to break it, "Sooo are we going to talk or are we going to continue awkwardly staring at each other?"

"Sorry, Sam, Anthony, this... is your sister... Ziggy," Daniel informs making Sam and Anthony's eyes widen.

"Our what?!?" They speak at the same time.

"We'll answer you're questions later, right now I have a question for Ziggy," Daniel looks at her.

"Go for it Pops."

Daniel smiles at that.

"Where's your mother?" He asks.

Ziggy looks down at the table.

"Um she's dead"

Daniel's face drops at that.

"Im so-" He begins to apologize before Ziggy cuts him off, abruptly standing up.

"I don't need your pity! You abandoned me when I was a baby, only for me to look you up 16 almost 17 years later to find out you started a new family not even 3 months after you gave me up! You have NO IDEA how hard my life has been!" Ziggy breathes heavily after her outburst.

Daniel's eyes tear up slightly as he stands up too. "Listen, I had no idea you existed. The last time I saw your mother was when she ran out on me. If I knew you were out there I never would've stopped looking for you."

Ziggy looks around at everyone, slowly looking around at the Larusso family as she sits back down. "I'm sorry, I have a little bit of an anger problem."

"Little?" Anthony scoffs at her, making Ziggy laugh.

"Oh shut up Antonio" Ziggy rolls her eyes playfully.

"It's Anthony."

"Oh I know," Ziggy smirks, making Sam laugh.

"I like her." Ziggy smiles at her little sister.

Daniel and Amanda smile, looking at their children.

"Why don't you guys go upstairs and get to know each other while me and your father talk?" Amanda says.

They all stand up, Ziggy grabbing her bag and skateboard.

"Woah! You can skate?!" Anthony asks.

"Yep. Do you want me to teach you sometime?"

"Hell yeah!" He exclaims, which results in Sam and Ziggy slapping the back of his head at the same time. Anthony whines as the girls smile at each other.


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Completed 1/25/22

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