2- Meeting Robby

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^Ziggy's outfit for this chapter^

ZIGGY LARUSSO-ROSE WAS sitting on the dock outside of Miyagi-Do with Sam and another teenager, who Ziggy found out was named Miguel, Sam's ex boyfriend. Sam had recently filled her in on what had happened from before she arrived, all the way to how both Miguel and her had got the All Valley tournament back.

Ziggy was beginning to feel uncomfortable, she was sitting next to her sister while Miguel sat on the other side. It was quite awkward for Ziggy, seeing as the other two had some sort of thing that was obviously still going on.

She watched as Sam and Miguel both got up, standing across from each other. Ziggy realized that she must have zoned out because she didn't even know they had gotten up.

"Don't hold back," Miguel stated with confidence.

Sam smiled, getting in position. "Don't worry about it."

Ziggy watched as Sam began throwing punches at Miguel, which he blocked. She ducked under him making him smirk and say, "Okay."

They continued to spar before Sam grabbed him pulling him close to her. Ziggy looked at them with a disgusted face, this was definitely not something she wanted to see.

"Got you." Sam whispered right before Miguel grabbed her spinning her around, making it so her back was against his chest.

Ziggy looked curiously behind Sam and Miguel, she saw a boy around the same age as herself, looking straight at her sister and Miguel. She had to admit, he was the most attractive guy she'd ever seen before.

"Should've known," the mysterious man said, making Sam and Miguel quickly spun around to look at him. Ziggy slowly got up, walking closer to them.

Sam started talking nervously, "I-It's not what you think."

"Did you two get together the second I was gone or wait a week to make it look good?" The unknown guy asked.

"It's not like that." Sam defended quietly.

"At least now I know why you stopped writing." The guy said.

"I stopped writing because you never answered!" Sam quickly defended herself.

The man seemed get more upset after she said that, "It's kinda hard to write back in between getting my face busted in!"

"I didn't know." Sam whispered.

The guy, who Ziggy still didn't know the name of, said, "Oh you wouldn't have cared if you did."

"It's not her fault!" Miguel stepped in.

"Stay out of this." The attractive man said.

"I don't think I will." Miguel stated angrily.

"I was hoping you'd say that." The guy said before trying to punch Miguel but Sam stepped in before his fist could reach Miguel's face. Sam blocked his punch, pushing him back.

"Robby don't!" Sam told him.

"Holy shit!" Ziggy exclaimed, "You're the Robby that almost made Miggy here, paralyzed for life. Sam told me about you, but she did not mention that you were hot."

"Who are you exactly?" Robby question, looking at Ziggy for the first time since he arrived.

"Oh right, I'm Danielle Christine Larusso-Rose. But if you call me that I'll cut your dick off. I go by Ziggy. I'm Sam's sister."

"Cool," Robby stated before looking at the other two people, "You deserve each other."

Robby turned around getting rewards to walk away but he turned back around, looking at Ziggy, "It was nice to meet you Zig Zag."

He winks at her, then turns around walking away.

"It's Ziggy!" She calls out.

"I know Zig Zag." He replies, still walking away

Ziggy smiles, turning around, seeing an angry Miguel and a confused Sam.

"What was that?" Sam questions.

Ziggy shrugs, "What do you mean?"

"You called him hot, he winked at you, and he called you Zig Zag!" Sam said.

"What? He's hot! I don't see what's so bad about him." Ziggy stated.

Miguel spoke up, "He's bad news, Ziggy. You should stay away from him."

Ziggy scoffed.

"And who the fuck do you think you are telling me who I should stay away from?"

Sam and Miguel were both silent, making Ziggy laugh and say, "Exactly. I'm skating home to night."

She turned around retreating back inside. Grabbing her skateboard, she left Miyagi-Do, skating back home.

Here's the second chapter!
I hope you like it!!
Pls don't be a silent reader.
Thank you!
- birdie

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