Six: The Child in the Wardrobe

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The afternoon with King Xiane was relaxing and familiar. It seemed no different than the past, as if they entered an old portrait hung on the wall. When Mahe returned to the cell, he felt as if he had been drenched in revitalized paints. Refreshed to make it through the remaining five days.

Then two more passed. Then another after that. He could have done more, he thought. It was mind-numbing to be so bored and surrounded only by someone as annoying as Kaliya, however it wasn't an impossible feat. The reason that he truly began to doubt their ability to stay there for any longer was not related to Kaliya at all.

No one came to bring them breakfast. That was odd, they both thought. Yet it wasn't debilitating, and they understood that there was a possibility that something important came up that caused distractions. It was more peculiar than anything, but they were both perfectly capable of skipping a meal from time to time.

But no one came to bring them lunch either.

It was at that point when they both began to grow hungry. They were raised as royalty, so skipping multiple meals was not something they were used to. At first they only shared a light exchange about the absurdity. There was no proper way to keep track of time in their solitude, however their bodies were accustomed to eating food when it was brought to them each day. Thus when the hunger began, they could immediately understand that a meal was not provided.

"I heard your stomach growl." Kaliya said, standing up and grabbing onto the iron bars. He yelled down the hall, "Are we going to get some food?"

His voice echoed, bouncing off of the walls. It was the only response he received.

Mahe waved him off. "We'll be fine. It could be something urgent that took their focus. Be patient."

"But you already didn't finish your food last night."

"I'll be fine. Sit down and wait."

Reluctantly, he did as he was told.

Before they knew it, the sun was beginning to set. The light in their cell was waning, and now even Mahe was worried. Not because he was going to starve, but because there had not been any sign of life all day. They never once saw nor heard a guard, and it was beginning to make Mahe's chest fill with panic. Did something happen? Was there a reason that no guard was able to tend to them? And if something catastrophic was happening in the outside world, why could no one even spare a moment to free them?

"This is ridiculous." Kaliya had his forehead against a bar. He spent the past few hours trying to listen for anything, and occasionally calling out to see if he might be heard. "If there is an issue happening, why would no one come to inform us?"

"I don't know." Mahe snapped. "Do I look like I'm any more privy than you?"

"No." Kaliya huffed. "But it just doesn't make sense. I'm not only hungry, but I have to piss so bad I'm not sure how much longer I can take it."

"I'm thirsty." Mahe said quietly. He also needed to use the bathroom, but he was not so indecent as to say that out loud. He felt a bit lightheaded. If he could go back to yesterday, he would have made sure to finish his meals properly.

"Me too." He faced Mahe with a frown. "How long before we absolutely need water?"

"Likely another day or two."

Kaliya's stubble was growing rather long, which was not something Mahe had ever seen on him before. It made him seem much older and mature than he actually was, which felt wrong. On the contrary, Mahe was older by around one year and had almost no sign of facial hair at all. Blood Immortals stayed younger for longer, so it was common for young men to have little-to-no body hair. It was one of the visual indicators of his race, though it wasn't flawless.

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