Part 23

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It was the next day, and Dom woke up before Severus. He sat there looking at his mate. He ran a hand down his mate's back, and Severus moved closer to him.

Dom cast a Tempus and saw that they had an hour and a half before they were supposed to leave. He called a house elf and ordered some breakfast. A few minutes later, the elf returned with a tray and left it on the bedside table.

Dom thanked the elf, and it left. He leaned over and kissed Severus's neck. "Time to wake up, love," He said, trailing his lips down his neck.

The other man moaned and opened his eyes to look up at him. "Morning, Dominic," he replied, leaning up to kiss him. He climbed onto Dom's lap and kissed him deeper.

", we can't, w...we leave in an hour," Dom stuttered out, pulling away, and Severus pouted but didn't move from his lap.

Dom picked up the tray and placed it beside them on the bed. They ate breakfast and showered before heading downstairs.

They met up with the others in the meeting hall and discussed the plan one last time.

Dom pulled Severus aside and kissed him long and hard. "I love you, be careful," Dom whispered.

"And I, you," Severus replied. Tom and the inner circle left, and Dom started to pace.

Draco approached Dom, noticing his brother's worry. "He'll be fine, Dom, " he said. Dom nodded, taking a deep breath. The rest of the death eaters left, leaving Dom alone in the hall.

He felt a tug at his magical connection with Tom and took a deep breath but put up his glamor. He appeared away, and he reappeared in the ministry, and he could tell when the order spotted him. Most of them had stopped fighting to look at him.

The Death Eaters also paused to look at him; most of them, besides the inner circle, didn't know who he really was. He made his way to the middle of the fight, where Tom and Dumbledor stood.

Dumbledor's eyes twinkled deviously as he saw Dom. "Harry, my boy, you're here," he said in a fake grandfatherly tone that made Dom want to roll his eyes.

Dom made his way in front of Tom and gave him a slight smirk. "Yes, headmaster, I have arrived," he said. Just then, a bang went off in the back of the order, and they all turned around to look.

The Death eaters took their cue and bound the others. The Order looked back at them, shocked, and Dom smirked. "Harry, what are you doing? You are supposed to defeat him!" Hermione said, struggling against the bonds.

"Am I?" Dom asked, smirking.

He turned to Dumbledor and smirked, seeing the man confused. "Headmaster, I believe you have met my Godfather," He said, indicating to Tom.

Everyone in the room gasped, looking back and forth between the two. "No, Harry, he's not, it's a trick," Dumbledore said.

Dom smirked and turned to look at Severus, motioning him forward. "I also believe you know my mate very well," He said, and most of the room gasped again.

"WHAT NO!!! HE'S NOT YOUR MATE, HARRY! I AM," Ginny yelled from beside her brother.

"My name is not Harry, you stupid girl." Dom snapped, looking at Dumbledor. "Isn't that right...Headmaster?" He asked, and Dumbledor grew a little pale.

"W...what are you talking about, Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

"You want me to tell them, OK then I will," Dom said with an evil smirk. "See, my name isn't Harry Potter. In fact, I'm not even related to the Potters. See, I was born into a different, loving family. They loved and cherished me. But Dumbledore couldn't have that; he stole me from my family and gave me to the Potters. Then he imperio'ed Tom, sending him after the Potters and me, then he left me with magic-hating muggles, which he paid to beat the freaky magic out of me.'' Dom said, and the room was now silent, everyone looking at Dumbledore.

"You're lying, Harry. He's cast a spell on you," Dumbledore yelled, sounding frantic.

"Really? You tried to control my life, put spells and blocks on me, trying to say who I was friends with. Paid them to keep me submissive and under your thumb. You paid Ginny, Ron, Molly, and Hermoine to play nice with me, making me trust them so I would do whatever they said to make them approve of me," Dom said, and a few Aurors shoved their way to the front one of them being head Auror Amelia Bones.

"Dumbledore, is this true?" She asked, and the old man denied it.

Ms. Bones looked at Dom, who pulled out his wand. "I swear on my magic that everything I said here today was true," Dom said and waved his wand. A blue little came from the tip of his wand, and Ms. Bones seemed to take that as an answer.

She arrested Dumbledor right then and there. Pulling him to his feet and leading him and the others out of the room.

"Don't worry about them. We can send them to Azkaban without a trial based on what you said. We've been investigating him for a while, but he blocked us in every way he could. Now we have more than we need to put him away," Ms. Bones said, and the Aurors started cleaning up the order while the death eaters quickly apparated away.

Dom took Severus's hand and Apparated them back to Severus's home. "We did it," Severus said, and Dom kissed him.

"Yes, we did," Dom said, "Now, how about you pump a baby in me," Dom said, and Severus groaned, kissing him.

"As you wish,"


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Word count: 939

Published: April 26, 2024, 4:30 pm

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