Part 15

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It was a week and a few days before ministry, and Dom was sitting in the living room with Tom, Severus, and Lucius.

They were taking a relaxing break from the intense training they had been doing lately to ensure they were all prepared in case anything happened during the fight. Dom looked up at Severus from where he was lying on his lap. He watched as he talked to Lucius about something.

Dom thought for a moment before turning to Tom, who was sitting On the couch with his eyes closed. #Tom,# he called, and his Godfather opened his eyes to look at him.

#Yes, Dom,# Tom answered.

#Could you give me and Severus a week off?# Dom asked, and Tom looked at him curiously.

#What for?# Tom asked, and Dom blushed slightly and looked away.

#I want to mate with him before the battle at the ministry,# Dom said, and Tom raised a brow before sighing.

#You think something might happen to you. Very well, but I suggest you go to Severus's home and return the day before the ministry," Tom said. Dom smiled gratefully and looked up at Severus, who was looking at him curiously.

Dom leaned up and kissed Severus before lying back on his lap and watching as Severus blushed slightly. A moment later, Draco came into the room and looked at Severus with a frown. "Uncle Severus, are you sick? You looked quite flushed," he asked.

"I...I'm fine, Draco," Severus told him. Draco nodded, going over to Lucius and sitting by him.

A few minutes later, Narcissa called them into the kitchen for dinner, and they all got up and went to the table. They ate lunch in silence. Dom finished before the rest and excused himself, telling Severus to meet him in their room when he was finished.

Dom left the table and went to their room. Once there, he packed clothes to last until they got back from Severus's home.

The door opened as Dom shrunk the trunk and put it in his pocket. "You wanted to talk about something?" Severus asked, sitting on the bed.

"Yes, I asked Tom for a few days off so we could spend some time at your house," Dom said, and Severus frowned.

"What for? Has something happened?" Severus asked curiously.

"Well, I wanted us to mate before the battle at the ministry," Dom said, and Severus looked up at him surprised.

"W...what?" Severus stuttered out.

"Unless you don't want to, I don't want you to think you have to," Dom rushed out.

"I want to, but are you sure you want to?" Severus asked.

"I am positive," Dom said, and Severus nodded.

"Very well then. We should tell the others we are leaving," Severus said, and Dom stopped him.

"Tom knows where we will be. If it's important, he'll come to get us. Now let's go," He said, and Severus nodded before wrapping his hands around his waist and apparating them away.

They reappeared in a bedroom decorated with black and green. There was a big California king bed with black silk sheets and green drapes. The wallpaper and most of the furniture were mint green.

"You really like green, don't you?" Dom teased, and Severus glared playfully.

"Let's shower and get to bed. We will start our mating tomorrow after breakfast," Dom said, and Severus nodded before heading into the bathroom.


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Word count: 552

Published: April 26, 2024, 12:30 pm

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