Anton Character Voicelines

26 1 0

First encounter

oh, ein neuer Freund! Ich frage mich, was ich über dich erfahren kann... hm? Oh! Don't worry... I was just... thinking

Suitcase Climate

Regen! Ms. Vertin! Look! It's raining! Look! Vertin can I PLEASE go out and run around in the rain... please?


Hm... I thought they'd be here by now... oh well time to ransack the place for info!


Oh! Your here! Um... weird question but... what's your height? Hm...? Why? Oh well you know...


Guten Morgen! Du warst schon eine Weile weg...


Oh, bist du auch noch wach? I was... just going to listen to the rain again...

Hat and hair

My hair is pretty weird... I know I can just comb it or wear a hat... but transforming it is more easy

Sleeves and hands

Whenever I turn into someone else I can feel their hands as if they were my own... it's really weird

Clothing and torso

My body and clothes all change and grow depending on who I turn into... so far the most difficult person to morph into is Jessica...

Chitchat I

Different appearances and sizes are really cool... and it gets better when you pretend to BE that person... hm? Why are you staring?

Chitchat II

I used to play games with kids... but whenever I do my thing they... just run away... but... when I turn into someone else... I feel like a real person... is... what I do wrong?


Hehe! The Pranks are all set!

Pre battle

I'm Ready!

Select incantation I

Oh? ein neuer Trick?

Select incantation II

Zeit zum Lachen!

Select 3-Star incantation

Zeit für eine Überraschung

Select Ultimate

Hehe! This is the Prank... that'll go down in legend...

Cast Arcane Skill I

Time to laugh!

Cast Arcane Skill I


Cast Arcane Skill II

Hoppla! du hast dich bewegt!

Cast Arcane Skill II

Bereit zu schreien?

Summon Ultimate

Das ist das Spiel... das ich vorbereitet habe

Incoming I

Au! That hurt!

Incoming II

Ah! Don't hurt me!

Battle Victory

We won? Oh... wait WE WON!!! Hehehe! We did it!


Wow... you really were serious... um... okay you won't regret this

Bottom Of Insight

Huh... I feel a lot better... thank you for supporting me... now it's my turn to teach you some tricks

To the future

Future...? I don't know anything about the future... but I'll have plenty of time to think about it later

Bond: Morning

Vertin! I made breakfast for you and the others! Under the watchful eyes of Bunny Bunny and Satsuki of course...

Bond: Night

Vertin! Look! Look! I learned how to write in cursive! It's a bit messy but Sonetto said I've been getting relatively better at it!


I like to play many games like Würstchenschnappen, Topfschlagen, Schnitzeljagd and my personal favorite... Sackhüpfen


Um... I just wanted to say... your hat is very pretty...


Hey can you give me head scratches... I'd do it myself but I'm still trying to practice my writing


Whenever I think back to the past... I always wonder why people leave whenever I show my talent... but... I don't think I care anymore... I'm going to start living my life Today

Reverse 1999 X ocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora