Glowie Character voicelines

14 1 0

First encounter

Wow... so much room here... I wonder how many butterflies can be in here... well... time to find out!

Suitcase Climate

It's all cloudy... I want the sun to be here already! How else can me and my butterflies get energy...


La la la... butterflies everywhere... La la la all in the air...


Oh? Hello! Did you come to play with me? I've got so many games to play!


Can we go to the forest today? I want to play in the grass... play with the butterflies... and if I'm lucky... pet some deer!


The glowing lights I give to the butterflies are pretty... do you want to see?

Hat and hair

V-Vertin! There's something stuck in my hair again... I can't get it... can you get it for me?

Sleeves and hands

Whenever I touch anything it leaves a weird feeling in my hands... then again... I grew up near a poison ivy patch

Clothing and torso

I wear this white dress because it's all the kids at the orphanage wear... the barcode on the bottom part is the weird part

Chitchat I

I think tooth fairy is a really pretty lady and an awesome one too... she even has those thingies in the jar... she's a legend!

Chitchat II

I always have the plushie that my mama made me when I was born... it may not be much... but it's all I have left of her...


The butterflies have arrived!

Pre battle

I'm so excited!!

Select incantation I

Face our wraith!

Select incantation II

Oh! I can help!

Select 3-Star incantation

Okay all ready!

Select Ultimate

Don't worry... I got this...

Cast Arcane Skill I

Poison Nectar!

Cast Arcane Skill I

Sting like a bee!

Cast Arcane Skill II

Float like a butterfly

Cast Arcane Skill II

These wounds will heal

Summon Ultimate

The light grows inside you... and you'll never be forgotten

Incoming I


Incoming II


Battle Victory

Hehe! Butterflies 1, bad guys zero!


This is cool! I feel like I can fly! Oh gimme a sec!

Bottom Of Insight

The light of life inside continues to shine and grow... thank you for helping me

To the future

Um... I don't know... I want a lot of things in the future but mostly butterflies and candy...

Bond: Morning

Big sis Vertin! Look! I found a froggy outside the suitcase! Can i keep it?

Bond: Night

Vertin... can you read me a story? I can't fall asleep and the butterflies for once aren't helping


I like soccer... it's nice practice for my legs, a boy once said I couldn't play because I'm a girl and I answered with a soccer kick between his legs.


I think you look very pretty! Like a beautiful light... like the sun! Except it's not painful to look at... y-you get the idea


I made something for you... it's a cute butterfly blanket! I had a lot of help from everyone...


Butterflies are actually a lot more interesting than you might expect, did you know that they are always angry every day? It's so funny! They look so cute yet are so menacing! Like me...

Reverse 1999 X ocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora