Out of the Bag

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Hello again! I hope you are all having a wonderful week and that that continues. Thank you so much for coming back to my story and I hope you enjoy this new chapter!

Out of the Bag

The next two days had gone almost exactly as Minerva had imagined. The staff meeting had been almost unbearable, the smug, judgmental looks on the Carrow's faces had made her nauseous. But Poppy, oh thank the lord for Poppy, had broken the deafening silence with further congratulations. That ordeal over, she faced nervously into telling her students the following morning. She was plain and clear, telling them to expect a prolonged absence starting at the end of March and the reason why. She could not lie and say that the excited gasps that came from many of the young ladies, the small smiles from the young gentlemen, and the congratulations that were brought to her desk after the class ended did not make her smile. She continued to make the same speech to the rest of her classes but, as she knew would happen, the whole school was well-informed by lunchtime. That night at another tea with Louise she embraced what a relief it was that it was over and done with. The Carrows had been surprisingly quiet for the whole day, not a single snide quip from either of them. But she knew deep down that that was not to last. However, for now, all was well.

The next two weeks passed by quickly as Hogwarts ploughed into the new term. Minerva now frequently caught students attempting to inconspicuously survey her middle whenever she was near. She never scolded them, she knew they would naturally be curious. And, if she was honest with herself, she was getting over the self-consciousness of it now and was beginning to find it rather amusing. She did not, however, like to be gawped at. She hadn't begun to show yet, but that would only last a short while longer. And she had the feeling that when she did people would be less guarded in their peering. That Friday, after she dismissed her last class and they had all left, she sighed heavily as she gathered the papers she wanted to take back to her quarters to mark. However funny some of the children were in their glances Minerva McGonagall was an intensely private person. So she was looking forward to a break from prying eyes and welcomed the weekend with open arms.

The following Monday, after she had finished her breakfast, Louise decided to go up and check on Minerva as she hadn't shown her face at the meal. Louise had noticed a few changes in Minerva these past few weeks. For one, she was only eating enough to keep a small bird alive. But this was largely due to the fact that the poor woman couldn't seem to keep anything down. She was, as many women are, a victim of incorrigible morning sickness and it was at its height at the moment. Louise had been given the privilege of her aunt's quarters password and after arriving and receiving no response to her knocking made use of it. She poked her head around the door to find that Minerva's bedroom door was wide open. She guessed quickly what was up and walked carefully in. She had a straight view into the bathroom and found Minerva bracing herself on the sink with her eyes closed.

"I would say good morning," Louise said, making herself known, "but that is clearly not the case"

"I thought I was alright," her aunt replied shakily, a statement backed up by the fact that she was clearly dressed for breakfast. "But then I-"

She stopped in her tracks and swiftly lowered herself to the toilet before retching into it. Louise ducked out to the kitchen and returned to find the poor woman slumped against the cold tile beside her.

"I brought you some water" She offered sympathetically, meeting Minerva's weary eyes.

"Thank you," the woman replied quietly. "I swear to Merlin if I am one of those people stuck like this for the full nine months I don't think I could cope".

Louise chuckled as her aunt took a grateful sip, only to have to spit it out as she lurched back to the bowl again. Louise put a hand to her back and rubbed it sympathetically. The whole thing was absolutely miserable and it was awful that she could do nothing about it.

About 20 minutes later the episode had subsided. After she'd tidied herself up a bit, Minerva sank down into the armchair by the fire, groaning and bringing a hand to her head.

"I have the most godawful headache," she said, closing her eyes in pain.

"Would you like me to go and see if Poppy has something for it?" Louise asked, bringing over another glass of water.

"Would you?" came the reply.

"Of course, I'll be back in a tick"

Louise made her way to the hospital wing and found Poppy folding and putting away some fresh bedding. Being her aunt's best friend, Louise had seen quite a bit of Poppy Pomfrey over the years. So much so in fact, that she had been on a first-name basis with the woman for years. Putting away her last sheet Poppy turned to her, smiling broadly.

"Hello Louise!" she said jovially "What can I do for you?".

"Well, I'm playing owl today actually Poppy" Louise answered. "Min's sent me."

"Ah," Poppy said knowingly, "what's the trouble?"

"Well, she's been very unwell as you know," Louise replied, "she sent me to see if you've got anything for a headache".

"Oh dear," said the mediwitch, "let's see what I can do".

Louise followed her over to the cabinet in the corner of the hospital wing. Poppy unlocked it with a special charm and began to look through it. As she did so she told Louise:

"The sickness should pass soon enough, or if she's very unlucky at least become bearable". She pulled something from the back of the cupboard, turned back to Louise, and handed her a small bottle filled with a bright blue liquid.

"Right, this should do it. Tell her to take a teaspoon of it whenever she needs it. It's not at all pleasant mind you, but it should do the job".

"Thank you so much Poppy" Louise said gratefully, turning and beginning to make her way back to Minerva's quarters.

Louise returned to find her aunt exactly where she'd left her.

"Here you are," she said with a kind smile, holding out the medicine. Her aunt returned the smile and took the bottle.

"Poppy said take one teaspoon whenever you need it".

Minerva took her wand from her robes as Louise was speaking and transfigured herself a teaspoon from a coaster on the coffee table beside her.

"Unfortunately, she also said it's not the most pleasant-tasting of concoctions" Louise attempted to warn, but she watched her aunt pour and down the liquid before she finished. She laughed as Minerva grimaced.

"Better?" She inquired, as the disgusted look on her face subsided.

"Oh much," Minerva said with great relief as she took a sip of her water.

"Thank you"

Sitting back she again closed her eyes once more. As Louise watched her breathing steady, she got up quietly and left her aunt in peace for the morning.

Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll have the next one up soon. As always, a review would mean so much to me. See you soon!

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