Wrap Her Head Around It

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Welcome back! Just another heads up, I'm using these "***" to indicate a passage of time and hopefully help a little with the flow. I'm no professional, so perhaps this isn't the best tactic, but I'm always learning! Now, enjoy Chapter 5!

Wrap Her Head Around It

Louise's eyes went wide and she slowly sat forward, sitting bolt upright in her chair.

"I'm so sorry," she said."it's just I could have sworn you said-"

"You heard me Lou," Minerva cut her off, slightly agitated "For God's sake spare me having to repeat myself".

Her niece sat in silence for a moment and gazed off into space, trying to wrap her head around it all.

"I think you know what I want to ask you," she continued quietly, returning her eyes slowly to the other woman.

She watched a tear roll down Minerva's cheek.

She closed her eyes and swallowed hard. Then Louise got her answer.

"It's Dumbledore"

"What?" Louise said breathlessly, before stuttering profusely. But she was snapped out of it when she heard a muffled inhale and turned to find Minerva now freely crying into her hand.

"Oh Min," she said, getting up quickly and going to her. Turning Minerva toward her, she embraced her, quietly comforting her as she now cried on her shoulder.

They were now sat back down at the table and Louise brought over a fresh pot of tea.

"Thank you," Minerva said, putting her hands around the warm cup. Louise poured her own cup and sat down across from her. They drank in silence for a moment.

"What did Poppy say to you?".

Minerva took a sip of her tea. "I'm 7 weeks gone and my old and decrepit state is of no advantage to me".

Louise smiled. "What exactly does that mean?"

"I'm not sure yet, I'm going back to her next week. She did say there's no reason everything shouldn't be perfectly normal, I've just got to mind myself".

"Are we the only three that know?" her niece questioned further.

"Yes. I'll tell the staff tomorrow at our first term meeting, if I don't do it then I never will. Then I suppose I'll just tell my first class on Wednesday and let human nature do the rest".

Louise chuckled before becoming serious again.

"Are you happy, Min?". Her aunt put down her cup and looked up to answer.

"To be quite honest, I am absolutely terrified." but then she began to smile, "But I also don't think I've ever been so happy about anything in all my life".

Louise reached across the table and took her hand.


"Shhhhhh Kit, for God's sake PIPE DOWN", Louise pleaded as she sat on her dorm bed across from her stunned best friend.

Louise had come straight back to the Gryffindor dormitories after the meeting with her aunt and, with her permission, had waken Kit to tell her the news.

A smile crept across her face. "Isn't it exciting?"

Her friend looked back at her with a huge, shocked smile spreading across her face as well.

"But how does Professor McGonagall feel?"

"Well, she's nervous of course. But she's happy".

Kit giggled excitedly then turned to look at the clock on Louise's bedside table and realizing it was almost two in the morning said:

"God, it's that time?! We better try and get at least some sleep or we won't survive our double potions tomorrow".

Agreeing heartily, Louise said goodnight to Catherine as she went back to her bed. She was beyond relieved that she hadn't asked about anything to do with the father of the baby. It was hard for her to see how upset the whole thing made her aunt and it was a relief she didn't have to speak about it to Kit. Louise hadn't asked about the relationship between her aunt and Dumbledore, she had felt it was none of her business. If Minerva wanted to tell her she would, that's just how she was. Perhaps Louise would never know. But that was something she was willing to live with.

Thank you for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always a review would be very greatly appreciated. I'll have the next chapter up ASAP. See you soon!

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