"GODDESS" by Written by Wolves

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"Believe me, Schatz. I'm about to ruin you." His voice sinks into a low purr, your skin shivers with cupidity as if ice was dripping from your shoulders and down to the base of your spine.

Meticulously, König then reaches into his pants to fish out his cock, the tip flushed with a red hue, visibly aching and ready to engulf itself inside of you. Wrapping a fist around the weight of his length, he teasingly tapped on your ass a few times. Each slap adding onto the debarred torment. Your bottom lip feels raw from the amount of times you've been gnawing at it as tantalizing desires fester between your legs but, you refuse to allow it to stop the next set of words from rolling off your tongue.

"Do it then, pussy."

By the time a shit-eating grin plasters itself on your face, his knife ventures back with the point of the blade poking into your jugular. You take a small gulp. Letting your throat naturally close, feeling your pulse thumping hard against the sharp edge as excitement bubbles to the surface. A conflicting storm of urges and emotions cloud König's mind, darkening his eyes to a charcoal grey. There was always something about you made him want to risk it all.

Was it your unpredictability? The quick witted comebacks? 

Whatever it was, it certainly had him wrapped around your fingertips.

You flutter your eyelids with delight as the head of his cock slips and slides between your wet folds and against your swollen clit, blending your fluids together.

König bites down on his lip, stifling back an audible groan as he studied how your body responded to his touch. The walls of the room temporarily fade to black when his dick disappears deep inside of you, stretching you out deliciously. Your face scrunches at the burn and an animalistic moan erupts from your throat. Naturally, your hands jerk back to allow yourself to adjust to his size, however, were quickly reminded about the metal chains, holding you down in position. 

"Let's see how much shit-talking you do now, Y/N."

"Fuck you." You managed to rasp in between moans.

Behind the mask his mouth hooks, "Get ready then."

Gritting your teeth, pleasure infuses with pain as König pulls his hips back about half way before snapping back. Your walls constrict around him while he set a  deliberating pace.

Since day one, you were a constantly in the back of his head. Haunting him. Now, he wanted to haunt you the same way you have for years. He wanted to punish you. To claim you. The table creaks while you held onto your chains for dear life, drowning in the endless waves of your arousal.

"Oh God, König! I'm about—" You go to say but he quickly chimes in, finishing your sentence for you.

"To cum? I don't think so. At least not yet anyway. But, don't worry, I'll let you know when you can."

Your legs shake uncontrollably when you feel König pull out and away, leaving you a whimpering mess.

"No, please. Come back, I was so close. Please, let me come. Please!"

Your begging was heavenly. But, as much as he wanted to give you what you wanted. König restrained himself, relishing on the way you were slowly losing control. He took in the vulnerable state you were in while he fiddled with his knife.

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