Saying goodbye

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San and Wooyoung had talked about it and they knew it was time. It had been ten years and they weren't getting any younger. Everyone was getting older and growing up and though it had been a good time, they were ready to begin the next chapter of their lives. 

"What is this about?" Hongjoong wondered, one arm secured around Seongwha's waist. A tiny child, barely a year old was asleep in Seongwha's arms, oblivious to the conversation that was only just beginning. 

"We've been talking" San started.

"Oh no" Seongwha teased, laughing when San gave him a small glare. Wooyoung smiled too.

"You guys should sit down" Wooyoung patted Seongwha on the arm. Hongjoong did not like that one bit, but he sat down anyways. Seongwha handed Wooyoung his child and sat down. Wooyoung cradled Yong closely to his chest, tracing his nephew's hair line. He kissed Yong's head and looked at him dearly. Seongwha observed him and knew to a point what was to happen. 

"Wooyoung and I have been talking and we have made a decision" San put a hand on Wooyoung's shoulder, smiling at him. Hongjoong sighed, crossing his arms. 

"How much money would you need?" He wondered.

"What?" Wooyoung was caught off guard. 

"Wooyoung, I have known you since you were less than eleven years old, I have raised you from childhood. Eighteen years, you have been my brother and my child, there is nothing that you can think or decide without me knowing. How much money would you need for a ship?" Hongjoong repeated. 

"We have been looking at a ship already and we have money saved to buy it but not enough" San answered.

"Save the money. I will take care of you" Hongjoong decided. 

"Joong, you don't have to" Wooyoung shook his head. Hongjoong did the same. 

"For years I have been saving up, knowing that this day would come. I have six chests for each of you, waiting and giving you the money that you would need when the time came for you to go on your own" Hongjoong got up, walking over to a corner of the room that not even Seongwha had seen and pulling over two small chests and a string in his hand.

"Yours and San's have always been separate but if you allow me, I would like to be the one that connects you two together" Hongjoong offered. 

"You mean..." San drifted off, surprised. Wooyoung had still been looking at his little nephew but he also looked up at Hongjoong's words. 

"As a Captain, I have the authority of officiating marriage" Hongjoong nodded. 

"You would do that for us?" San wondered, surprised still. 

"Yes, for both of you. For my brothers" Hongjoong answered. Wooyoung hugged him, careful not to squash the baby. Seongwha rubbed a hand over his eyes, no one had even realized that he was crying. 

"When do you leave?" He questioned. 

"We were planning tomorrow" San answered. 

"Then we shall party tonight, as a going away. And I will marry you two together tonight, if you wish" Hongjoong stated. Wooyoung nodded, rocking Yong back and forth.

"Woo, we should tell the others, so they are not caught off guard" San whispered. 

"Let's tell them tonight, when the party is going" Wooyoung responded. San nodded and Wooyoung handed his nephew back to Seongwha. The two of them left and later that night, a feast or at least a feast for pirates which wasn't much, was prepared.

"What is this about?" Yeosang wondered. Jongho had an arm wrapped firmly around his waist in what would be an uncomfortable position but had Yeosang looking relaxed. 

"A joining between two souls who have agreed to swear loyalty to each other" Hongjoong answered, glancing at Wooyoung and San. 

"Really?" Yeosang perked up, looking surprised at his cousin and friend. Wooyoung nodded once, making Yeosang run over to him.

"Oh San! Congratulations" Yeosang hugged him. San hugged him back.

"Shouldn't you be congratulating Woo also?" San pointed out. Yeosang looked at Wooyoung. 

"To Wooyoung, I wish that he be given the patience to deal with you" Yeosang teased, hugging Wooyoung. San cuffed him lightly on the head, making Yeosang laugh. Jongho tugged him back over, kissing Yeosang's head. On that night they feasted like they never had before and Wooyoung and San were joined together in front of Hongjoong. 

"Please, take care of our Wooyoung" Yunho whispered to San, quiet enough that Wooyoung didn't hear. 

"With my every breath" San promised. Yunho cupped the back of his head, nodding. He knew San would keep that promise. Yunho went to Wooyoung next, hugging him. It had been eighteen years; they were as good as brothers. Wooyoung hugged him back.

"I'm okay, Yunho. I'll be okay" Wooyoung told him. Yunho nodded, pressing their foreheads together for a moment. Wooyoung was the first to pull away, going to his other brothers. He hugged Yeosang and Mingi and Jongho before going to Seongwha and Hongjoong. He kissed the head of his nephew and hugged Seongwha. 

"We will miss you" Seongwha stated, kissing Wooyoung's head. 

"I will miss you also, both of you but we will see you again" Wooyoung promised, going to Hongjoong and hugging him. San did the same for Seongwha, saying their goodbyes. The ship had been docked for less than three hours and Wooyoung and San had not stopped mourning their departure since they woke that morning. Hongjoong pulled up two small chests, bound together by chain. 

"You did it?" San was surprised.

"Last night. After we all went to bed, I did it" Hongjoong nodded, setting the two money boxes in front of the newly married couple. Wooyoung thanked him again, dragging the two chests off the ship. 

"Are you ready, Wooyoung?" San wondered. Wooyoung nodded, following him off the ship. They would get their own in a few weeks and then they would be departing from the gathering of islands they had stopped at: the Mantara Isles. They had only been there once before, long before the princes had become pirates. It was not the type of place for married couples, unless they enjoyed a little vulgar excitement. But the Mantara Isles were a place of darkness and had a dark past, a reputation that no one would enjoy if they had enough sense. 

I was going to post this later but it's just so good that I didn't want to wait. This is ten years in the future so the timeline between this and the Three Little Pirates might be a little messed up. Also there is another WooSan chapter coming soon, I hope you enjoy

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