Where the Snow Queen Holds Hearts Captive

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A palace built of frost and wind,
Where snowflakes dance in whispers thin,
There dwells the Queen, a beauty pale,
Whose frozen touch makes spirits quail.

Her gown, a shimmer of starlight cold,
Her eyes, like glaciers, deep and old,
A crown of ice upon her brow,
She wields a power winter avow.

In chambers carved from crystal's heart,
Lie captive souls, torn worlds apart.
Frozen tears like diamonds gleam,
Whispering dreams, a broken stream.

They yearn for warmth, for love's embrace,
But find no solace in this place.
For every smile the Queen receives,
Another heart in ice she weaves.

Yet hope persists, a flicker faint,
A hidden ember, a love untainted.
For even ice, though hard and strong,
Can melt beneath a tearful song.

So come, brave hearts, with love as guide,
To thaw the spell, break icy tide.
With whispers soft and courage true,
Defrost the chains, a love renew.

For love's warm touch, it holds the key,
To set the captives wild and free.
And melt the Queen's heart, cold and white,
With flames of love, eternally bright.

But tread with care, for danger lies,
In frozen smiles and empty eyes.
For one glance lost in wintry blue,
May turn your own heart frozen too.

So gather strength, and hold it fast,
Love's fire shall melt the winter's blast.
And in the thaw, when hearts rejoice,
Love's warmth shall vanquish, break the ice.

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