Rewind to 90s Love

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Dial-up dreams whisper through the night,
Fuzzy static, yearning takes flight.
Remember mixtapes, crafted with care,
Each song a message, hanging in the air?

Faded Polaroids, smiles caught in time,
Scrunchies in hair, a Valentine's rhyme.
Trapper Keepers held secrets untold,
Flipped phone numbers, stories unfold.

Grunge flannel hearts, beating loud and bold,
Candy conversation hearts, sweet tales unfold.
Remember Furby's fur, fuzzy and bright?
Wishing for you, holding on tight.

No instant messages, no filtered sheen,
Just hand-written notes, love in between.
Boombox serenades, blasting loud and clear,
Every song a promise, whispered in your ear.

Underneath the grungy exterior's guise,
A love story bloomed, beneath neon skies.
Now, time rewinds, a nostalgic sigh,
Wishing you were my Valentine, beneath the 90s sky.

But technology changes, trends come and go,
One thing remains, a feeling I know.
This heart still beats, a rhythm true,
Wishing for a 90s love, with you.

So let's rewind the tape, erase the years,
Back to innocence, laughter, and cheers.
Forget the filters, the likes, the noise,
Just two hearts yearning, a 90s love choice.

Maybe it's a dream, a wish on a star,
But in this February, love can travel far.
So close your eyes, imagine the beat,
A 90s Valentine, forever sweet.

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