Where Frost Met Fire

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Frost, a creature of whispers white,
Hair of ice, eyes like glacier's light.
Hailing from lands where shadows slept,
His heart in stillness, deeply kept.

Fire, a spirit bold and bright,
Flames dancing, eyes like embers' light.
Born of warmth, a sunlit soul,
His passions burned, taking their toll.

They met by chance, on frozen ground,
Two opposites, fate had bound.
Frost, drawn to warmth, a fleeting spark,
Fire, mesmerized by the quiet dark.

With hesitant steps, they dared to speak,
Of frozen silence, and flames unique.
He found her peace, a calming tide,
She saw his warmth, where shadows hide.

Their differences sparked a curious dance,
A scorching sun, a glacial trance.
He melted fear with laughter's gleam,
She calmed his blaze, like a whispered dream.

Though whispers warned of dangers near,
Hearts aflame, they cast aside all fear.
For in their touch, a truth untold,
Love's tapestry, spun fine and bold.

Thus, Frost and Fire, hand in hand,
Through winter's cold, did bravely stand.
A testament to love's embrace,
Where opposites find their destined place.

And as the seasons turned anew,
Their love, a bridge, bloomed strong and true.
A symphony of ice and fire,
Forever burning, reaching higher.

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