The Truth

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Turns out it was an "emergency call". We turned up at Vacay Island really quickly, and ran into Bruce's resort. I was lagging behind a bit, I was still extremely caught up by, well, you know, Boom. Bruce came up to us. "You came!" he said. Branch raised an eyebrow. "About the emergency call?" he asked skeptically. "Oh, um, about that, I just missed you guys." Bruce said uncomfortably. I couldn't help but agree with my older brother on this matter. To just get your brothers back, and then have them leave. I would probably have done the same thing. Branch rolled his eyes, but I could see a smile playing across his lips. I guessed he was silently agreeing with him as well, and was just trying to hide it. Classic Branch, I thought, and was reminded with a pang of Boom. Ablaze had unhelpfully noted that what Boom had done was "Classic Boom". I tried to distract my mind from the topic, but it was like I was trying to count backwards from 1000 in my head, and people were shouting random numbers in my ears. "Let's go and bake some of those amazing cookies Brandy made the recipes for!" Bruce announced. I rolled my eyes, but really, I was silently thanking him for helping me literal clearing my mind of a useless topic I should've let go already.

The cookies turned out quite nice, if you ignore the whole bag of flour I spilled on the floor, and the bit where we almost burned them. As we sat around, I heard my brothers talking quietly about something I wasn't really paying attention to. Again, my mind was drawn back to Boom. I was just trying to stop myself from groaning my head off, when Clay said, "What about you, Floyd?" I snapped out of trance in fright. "W-what?" I stammered. JD raised an eyebrow at me. My hair drooped further down my face. "Oh, um, sorry. I wasn't really paying attention." I said uncomfortably. Clay shrugged and said, "Anyway, back to the topic..."  I smiled gratefully at Clay, then dropped back into my thoughts.

Soon it was time to leave again. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Bruce. He was standing there, waving at us, and SEEMED like he didn't care. But, being me, I could tell he was actually really sad for us to be leaving already. Finally we departed, and I watched the island until I couldn't see it anymore. Which was pretty quickly, because we went underwater a minute afterwards. When it was time to get the water out of Rhonda, I went and stood by the ocean again. I thought about how last time I was here, Boom had asked me out. And now... I didn't want to think about it. 

Finally, we arrived back to Pop Village. We hung out around Rhonda and chatted mildly about nothing in particular. It was actually pretty boring, to be honest, even though I liked that feeling I got when I was around my brothers. Finally, Clay saved us (again for me, we should start calling him the Life Saver, but I don't think he'd like that very much) from dying of boredom by saying it that he'd better go and check to see where Viva was. Me and Branch exchanged looks which both said the same thing: Clay times Viva. Clay must've noticed, because he blushed and quickly went off. Soon John Dory left, and same with Branch. I didn't really know what to do, so I just stood there. Luckily, something, or should I say someone, solved this for me.

Boom was right around the corner. I saw his hair first (I always do), and I had to stop myself from calling "Boom?" again. He saw me, and I suddenly realized he was crying. He turned and ran off, and as he did, something slipped from his pocket.

I knew I shouldn't read it, but my curiosity had the better of me. I picked it up, opened it, and started to read.

Floyd,                                                                                                                                                                                            I have to say this one thing: I'm sorry. I have no idea how to break this to you, but as soon as I set my eyes on you, I fell right for you. So what I'm really trying to say is, I love you. As soon as I got to know you a bit better it was pretty much unavoidable. But, I'm not sure if you feel the same way about me. I'm just saying, if you don't like me, tell me why. I need to know what I did. And I'm sorry for everything. I care about you more than anyone else in the world. And I seriously understand if you don't even like me. I mean, I'm just a random glitter troll in a random unknown boyband, and you're like this really cool guy who was like, the most popular pop singer for like, 3 years in a row. So, seriously, just ignore me if you see me. Pretend I'm not there. Pretend you never knew me. It'll probably be the best for you.

My eyes widened. So that's what was going on. I was trying to hold myself back from squealing like a mouse. Boom actually liked me!!! But I had to make amends. I ran in the direction which Boom went. I reached Boom, and stopped abruptly. A thought suddenly struck me.

Oh my god, what have I done?

"...Boom?" ❤️A Floom Fanfic❤️Where stories live. Discover now