What the heck is wrong with Boom?

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Ever since that date, I hadn't seen Boom. I realized how stupid I'd been when I hadn't said anything. He probably thought I hated him. Oh, god, how could I be such an idiot? I'd spent the last few days with my pink and white hair almost completely covering up my face, I felt that depressed. Now, I was walking in the same park as the one we'd had our extremely failed date in.

Suddenly, sparkly rainbow hair caught my eye. Could it be... "Boom?" I called. He turned and looked at me. His adorable face no longer had that cheeky smile and vibrant eyes which I loved so much. Now, there were dark circles under his eyes, and he looked almost... frightened when he saw me. He simply stared for a few seconds, and then ran off away from me. So much for a conversation, I thought miserably. I didn't realize how wet my face was until my hair was wet. I felt so embarrassed that I was ****ing crying in public, so I ran for it.

Once I was safely back in Branch's bunker, I started pondering a question that'd been bothering me since the date. What the heck is wrong with Boom? I started pacing to untangle my thoughts. Boom had dark circles under his eyes, so he clearly hadn't been sleeping. He seemed sort of scared of me, so it was something to do with me. I groaned and pulled at my hair. What was I missing? Suddenly, a voice said,

"Floyd?" I jumped in surprise. I looked around and finally found who said that. "John, don't do that," I said, annoyed. "Sorry, but as it is my duty as an older brother, I must check to see what is bothering you." he said in a posh voice. Branch appeared suddenly behind him. "Shove off, JD, I can deal with this." he said firmly. "Awww, Bitty B, please!" John Dory said in mimic pleading. Branch gave him a death stare. "Okay, okay, I'll go!" John said, with his hands held up in a surrender and walked out of the room. Branch turned to me. "Now, let me guess, the thing you've been moping about for the past few days is that your date with Boom failed," he guessed with alarming accuracy. "HOW THE ****ING HELL DID YOU FIND OUT??!!" I yelled. "It's the way dates are always going to turn out." Branch said calmly. He paused, and then added, "Especially with Boom." I raised an eyebrow. "What's that even supposed to mean?" I asked skeptically. Branch ignored me. Come on! I was the older brother here. I was supposed to be the one taking care of him, not the other way round! "Okay, very helpful, good-bye." I said, and ran away (again). 

I ran into Boom again. This time he completely ignored me and just sprinted off. This drew me back to the subject. "What the heck is wrong with Boom?" I muttered under my breath. "What am I missing?" And then I realized what I must do now. I was going to ask as many Kismet  (excluding Boom) what Boom had been doing for the last few days.



Sorry this chapter is a bit short, I wrote it during school when I was supposed to be doing other stuff! Okay, next chapter!


"...Boom?" ❤️A Floom Fanfic❤️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt