V. to be free is to be caged

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EMERALD'S BOOTS CRUNCHED on the snowy ground, leading up to her house in Victors Village. She rubbed her dry and cracked hands together, small pools of blood threatening to spill out of out of her porcelain skin as the frigid cold nipped at her exposed fingers. A small bag hung off of her shoulder, carrying groceries that she bought while out in town, wanting to stock up on before Atticus came up to District One after the party she was required to attend with him the following day.

She had also managed to scrub her house clean, not that it needed it, and picked up any small mess she found and straightened up anything mildly out of place. Emerald truly had no idea why she felt the motivation to do that. Atticus didn't seem like the judging type, nor would he be inspecting her house down to every inch. However, Emerald did feel the need to impress Atticus in some way because despite barely knowing him, he was of some value to both her future, but he was also what Emerald would call a friend... if his promise to be her friend was still in place.

In that way, Emerald felt bad, for placing all of this upon Atticus. She barely knew the boy from the other career district and now, the two were going to depend on each other to ensure their longevity– and maybe even maintain the happiness that they still had, if they were even truly happy.

Once inside her house, Emerald quickly put her groceries away, anticipating Laverna's arrival to gather the Victors from her district who are going to attend the party which, from her understanding would be Satin, Cashmere, Iris, and unfortunately, Augustus.

Emerald had mastered the art of avoiding Augustus, whom she had hated since her time in the academy as a child. The two constantly fought whether it was verbal–or physical. He was arrogant with an ego so large Emerald swore his head inflated into size each time she saw him.

Not only that, but she dreaded the train ride back with Atticus because knowing Augustus, he would make it extremely miserable not only for her and Atticus, but also for everyone else.

The other Victors of District One had silently come to the agreement that the Capitol was a miserable place to be in expect Augustus, who so pridefully loved his beloved Capitol, his beloved Panem.

How could anyone love Panem?

He just had that effect of making the atmosphere for uncomfortable it was unbearable, causing your skin to crawl.

It was strange that someone so insignificant in the grand scheme of things had such significance over how Emerald maneuvered through her life. How one man could control her emotions, sucking out all of the life, energy, and happiness out of her with his existence.

Although, when three knocks rasped against Emerald's door, she quickly broke from her thoughts and scurried to answer who she knew was Laverna on the other side. Looking through the peephole, Emerald's suspicions were confirmed when she saw her escort's annoyingly pink hair.

"Emerald, dear," Laverna screeched, "open up, we don't have any time to lose."

Flinging open the door, Emerald caught Laverna by surprise. Laverna's face twisted as Emerald blankly stared at the woman.

Pushing past her, Laverna welcomed herself into Emerald's house, sitting down on a stool at her kitchen island. Her face was drawn to the fresh bouquet, placed at the center where she rested at. However, as Laverna inhaled the sweet scent of the baby's breath and lilies, she began coughing profusely in an attempt to clear her lungs from the unwelcomed pollen.

"Getting your place ready, I assume?"

"Don't be so judgy, you like everything to be perfect, too." Laverna just hummed, allowing her heels to lazily slip off her feet and fall to the ground. "Don't you have to get the others and round us all up to the train?"

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