Chapter Four: Mind Palace

Start from the beginning

"You want butter on that?"

You wake up once more, feeling a little groggy again. You roll around a bit, trying to shake off the foggy feelings of sleep.

"No? Butter's for pussies, gimme some cream cheese."

An unwanted smile worms its way onto your face. You feel guilty again for how happy Adam makes you. 

You briefly stretch and stand up, making your way into the kitchen, where you hear your friends' voices. Adam is sitting at the the small kitchen table, mask back on, applying a generous amount of cream cheese to the bagel on his plate. Matt stands over the counter, buttering his.

"Hey man." Says Matt. "Breakfast." He hands you a plate with a sliced plain bagel.

"Thanks." You nod and take it from him. 

"So are you a butter guy or a cream cheese guy?" says Matt. Adam gives Matt a look that he doesn't notice, like he's suddenly paying attention.

Goddamnit. I'm about to do it again.

"Cream cheese." You sit down at the table with the cream cheese bin, right next to Adam. 

"Fuck yeah this kid knows what's up."

Matt laughs. "Why do you care so much?"

Adam pumps his fist in the air as he takes the first bite of his food. "Creamers for life."

"What...?" You stare at him, letting out a bewildered laugh. "Suddenly I'm not super thrilled with being on your team here." You see Matt chuckle under his breath standing at the counter.

"Guess you'll never be a real creamer." Adam relaxes in his chair and keeps eating. It dawns on you that you have no idea how he is able to eat with the mask on.

"I'm... very okay with that." As you begin to spread cream cheese on your bagel, you feel yourself instinctively shrinking into your chair, feeling a bit flustered, as he often makes you feel. You sneak glances at him, taking him in. His nonchalant expression as he chews, hunched over the table, and what you hope is a chubby dad-bod under his robe. You feel your cheeks start to heat up intensely and you look away.

Adam glances over at you, his eyes shifting slightly in thought. He smiles. "So, you still gonna come to that rehearsal?"

"Oh, right, well um... sure. When is it?"

He stretches his neck from side to side, grunting a little. "Uh.. fuck I don't know. Can't remember." He leans in towards you slightly with a grin. "How about I give you my number? We can text about it."

You stare at him, for a moment, smiling nervously. Damn, kinda smooth. Was he trying to flirt? Is this intentional flirting? Is this just normal dude stuff?  You fish for your phone from your pocket, fumbling nervously. "Y-yeah, of course." You open up a new contact and give your phone to him.

He begins to type his number into it. "Just don't go blowing up my phone, I get enough of that from all my bitches." He hands it back to you, then glances at his own phone. "Oh shit."

He suddenly stands up. "I gotta fucking, uh, meeting with Lute in like 10 minutes. I'm so fucked bro." You and Matt both look up, caught off guard by him frantically darting across the room. "See you bitches later." He yells as he runs out the door.

"Bye!" You and Matt both yell after him, still caught off guard by his sudden exit.

"Well" You say. "He sure is... something."

Matt picks up Adam's plate and his own as he speaks. "Yeah... you really gonna come to that rehearsal?" He takes the plates to the sink.

"I mean, yeah, probably. Oh, I don't think he has my number, I'd better text him."

You send a short and sweet message. "Hey, this is (Y/N). Let me know about rehearsal :)"

Matt starts putting away the butter, cream cheese, knives, and everything else that's lying around. "Need help with any of that?"

"Nah man, don't worry." He says as he throws away some crumpled up napkins.

You put your own plate in his sink as you finish the bagel. "Well, I guess I'm gonna head out then." You head towards the door. "Bye dude."

"Bye, man. Wait, hey-" He cuts you off as you're about to open the door. He looks like he's about to say something, but then just smiles and shakes his head. "Uh... have fun with Adam."

"S-sure man. Bye."

You walk through the halls of his apartment, feeling a twinge of embarrassment. Welp. Not much of a secret anymore, huh?

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