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Hellooooow ! Me ? I am Leonardo Blevins Simmons but you can call me LEO.
I'm from Portugal, but I grew up in France with my parents and my two little sisters.
Jessica and Alba.
It was a lovely childhood that i had, my parents are the kindest persons ever. They are so nice with people and that's so cool.

I've graduated at my 17 year old. And now I'm proudly a kinetic therapist I'm 25 now. I'm so happy cuz it was my childhood dream job. I just want to make people relax and forget about their problems and that's probably why I chose this job.

I got "viral" in 2020 when I was stuck in my appartement bc of the Corona (yall know) and now I have more than 540k on instagram and 960k on tiktok. I got viral cuz I'm always posting about how you can relax at home and some advice for relaxation etc..

And people also love how I can change my accent from French accent to English accent that make them really laugh.

Anyway! After many years of learning and now having my graduation I got a job at REAL MADRID! I'm so freaking excited! I mean it's a test and If I do a week with the players and they don't like the way I massage them. I'll he directly fired. But if I slay my job I'll be fuckin part of it !! Like c'mon!!!

Anyway I'm on the plane going from France to Madrid and I'm freaking excited to meet the crew and all of that stuff.



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