Chapter 15: Scouting The 'Iceteroid'

Start from the beginning

Grey explains, "Listen up marines! Bridge found an ice ball they want to harvest, as well as a bunch of other asteroids. Problem is, the croc sensors think there's life on the ice ball and we're scared of it being a higher life-form, so we no kill. In order to confirm, we have to put marine boots on the ice and check."

Rena Coulson remarks playfully, "An ice-teroid? Sounds cool Chief!"

Grey glares at her, growling, "You're dead to me, Thing Four."

"Wait! What? What'd I do?"

Before Grey can retort, Tachibana redirects the conversation, "No telling what the surface is like, Marines. Slow and careful."

Moody asks sincerely, "So, if we're not allowed to just harvest this thing, are we allowed to defend ourselves?"

Tachibana starts to answer by the regulations, "We will assess the situation if aggression..."

Grey cuts her off, saying, "Yes, Moody. If a frosty bug is coming to kill you, you kill it."

Fredericks remarks dryly, "And, then, if we kill all of them, the asteroid will be free of life, so we can harvest."

Grey growls, "Can it, Freddy. Unless space liberalism and progressivism will keep us from starving to death, dying of dehydration, or suffocating to death on long-winded b.s."

Dumas states bluntly, "Chief, if an icy bug tries to attach to my face, I'm fighting someone."

Tachibana scoffs, replying, "Chief Grey just said the same thing on the bridge."

Grey chuckles, replying, "I give you permission. You can fight Thing Four."

Rena whines, "What'd I do Chief!?"

Grey growls as he narrows his eyes at her, "Thinking ice is cool... Making puns... Terrorist..."

Long squeaks, "Chief? What do we do if we find something?"

Tachibana replies, "Report it. We'll have to find a way to determine intelligence. And, if it's an animal, we have to decide what to do. Our instructions regarded bacteria and sentients."

Long squeaks, "Yes Chief! Thank you Chief!"

Grey adds, "There will be a bunch more squads dropping with us this time, so hopefully, we see no action. Ready to load up. We drop in fifteen."

Ensign Hancock approaches, and Grey semi-sarcastically salutes, "Sir."

Hancock returns the salute, replying, "I'll never be used to that, Chief."

Grey chuckles, "I know. What can we do for you?"

Hancock replies, "I'm going with you, I guess. Science team wants a first-hand look, and I'm testing an instrument for Dr. Caldaren. Some drop probe for remote sampling."

Grey teases, "I'm surprised either of your mistresses allowed that."

Hancock scoffs. "Hilarious Chief. Dr. Lopez is refining the jump drive and also checking on work on the EMP shielding device. She doesn't need me at the moment."

Grey pats Hancock's chest warmly, replying, "Hey, I never turn down another set of hands on a gun. Shoot first, ask questions later. Oh, but check friendlies."

Tachibana already has her helmet on and replies dryly, "Glad you caught that, Chief."

Grey winks his grey eye with a smirk, retorting, "It'd just be Navy boys anyways. No big loss."

Mina calls from nearby, "YOU'RE a Navy boy, Chief!"

Grey growls, "Long! Kill either or both Coulsons for me."

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