Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"You have so many excuses for him." Scott said. 

"What do you expect?" I asked. 

"I expect you to have more excuses for work. This is your job, your livelihood." 

"Okay, that's a little too far, Scott." Bob butted in. 

"How?" Scott asked. 

"You can't expect someone to chose between their job and relationship. One thing I do want to bring up is how often your wife is here. I see her almost every day in the office or at the games talking to you, if you want to bring that up. Jamie doesn't bother Skyler while she's trying to work, especially during a game. Yeah. he'll come into her office and talk to her but that's usually either whilst she's in class or doing minimalistic work, and he knows when to stop bothering her." Bob said. I gotta say that I absolutely loved the way he was on my side. 

"He hangs out with her during games sometimes since he's been injured."

"If helping me and my crew is hanging out with me then sure, but he's actually working. Completely by his own choice might I add." I said, there was a pause, Scott didn't know how to respond and I could see it on his face. "If you're done shitting on me, my job, and my relationship that has nothing to do with my job, I'm going to politely ask you to leave my office so I can do my job, Scott." I said, forcing a smile onto my face to not come across as passively aggressive. 

"Okay." Was all he said before standing up and leaving. 

"Your job is more than safe, I hope you're not worried about that." Bob said as he stood up and also left. That was two days ago, and I have been avoiding Scott since then, I think he's avoiding me too.

"Baby, you have to get up your alarm has been going off for like 40 minutes." Jamie groaned, his voice muffled by the pillow. 

"What if I just call in sick, sorry guys can't come in I don't want to." I said. 

"I would very much encourage it if I didn't have PT today." Jamie said. "And then we could hang out all day." 

"When is your PT today?" I asked.

"11." He replied, I could barely understand what he was saying. 

"Maybe I'll just take a half day or something. Say I have a headache and leave before you're done so it doesn't seem like I'm coming home with you." 

"Or you can say you have a really bad migraine and when I'm leaving you hitch a ride with me because it's so bad you can't drive." He said, now propping himself up on his elbow, using the other hand to play with the tips of my hair, folding it over my face to annoy me enough to get up. 

"I like that idea the best." I said after a minute or two of thinking. "Might have to do it." I opened my eyes and saw him with a big smile on his face, clearly proud of himself for thinking of it. 

"Good, now get up and get dressed so you can go to work for 4 hours and come home for a movie day. I feel like we never get those anymore." He said, throwing the covers off of my body, the cold air making me shiver at the shock of it. 

"Who said we were having a movie day if I come home?" I asked, sitting up on the bed and rubbing my tired eyes. 

"Me, I don't want to do anything. We can go to the theatre and get popcorn to bring home, grab some snacks and drinks. Bring the entirety of your way too large blanket collection down to the couch and watch movies all day. Doesn't that sound like a great way to spend the day?" Jamie asked, pushing my messy hair out of my face, moving so he was behind me and resting his arms on my shoulders, one of them hold me tight across the chest while the other hand lightly stroked my hair again. 

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