'they are obviously fake, you really need a ghost to tell you that?' natalie shamed the two girls.

'who would have paid for them? her parents?' van asked.

'well that's just creepy?' mari stated.

'didnt her parents get divorced a few months ago? it could have been guilt money.'

van, doing her best man impression, grabbed her breasts and said. 'well honey your mom and i are getting a divorce but don't worry cause your tits are gonna look amazing!'

'it would have been fine if they actually looked good! they look like bean bags on her chest.' cheryl admitted. van and a few others laughed.

' ok ok, ask more questions!' jackie said.

javi, having snuck into the attic, spoke up. 'are we gonna die out here?' the frightened boy asking.

'dude?' travis shamed. everyone held there breath waiting for an answer, but the knife was swinging in an infinity symbol.

'eight? what is that supposed to mean?' van asked, sounding disappointed.

'it's not an eight it's an infinite sigh.' one of the girls corrected.

'oh okay, Aristotle!' van replied sarcastically. cheryl paid attention to lottie slowly turning to the window behind her while everyone else was chatting.

'is she okay?' she whispered to van. before she could get her answer out lottie let out an ear piercing scream as the window flew open, and all the candles they had set up blew out. 'what the fuck!' van had gotten up to close the window while the other girls relit the candles. shauna and cheryl where trying to calm lottie down in her hysterical state. 'lottie calm down!'

'lottie, sweetie what happened?' shauna asked.

'lottie knock it off this isn't a game!' taissa snapped at the crying girl. lottie stopped screaming for a mere second before breaking out in french.

'is that french?' van asked, just as shocked as everyone else.

'since when does lottie speak french?' shauna yelled out.

'jackie! wasn't she in your french class?' mari turned to jackie.

'yeah but she sucks at frech!'

'well what is she saying?' mari asked getting for worried.

'i don't know! i such a french too!'

'WELL DAMN IT JACKIE! TRY NOT TOO!' van yelled over to jackie who was trying her hardest to translate.

'cherry! what about you?' natalie asked frantically.

'i don't fucking know?! i took german not french!' she yelled back.

'why the fuck would u take german!?' a few girls yelled in unison. lottie still on the floor, rocking back and forwards speaking a language she didn't even know.

'um... IT! she's saying it.. wants... somthing? i don't know!' jackie tried. 'blood? i think she's saying blood?'

'not a word i wanna be hearing right now jackie!'

'lottie i swear to god if your fucking with us!' mari screamed, before lottie stood up pacing infront on the window.

'where lottie? where is the blood?' van asked, now stood with her.

'do you really have to encourage her, van?' taissa scolded, van didn't respond. only putting her hand up to tai, as if telling her to wait. lottie stopped infront of the window, pointing outside to the woods.

'you must spill blood... or else.' lottie finally said something in english.

'or else what lottie?' jackie asked. they didn't get an answer out of her. cheryl slowly made her way over to where van was standing, putting her hands on lotties back.

'lottie?' she whispered softly to the girl. without warning lottie smashed the front of her skull into the window, causing blood to spill down her head before falling back being caught by cheryl and van on either one of her sides. 'oh.. my god!' cheryl exclaimed. she never liked the sight of blood.
lotties screaming into continued once she was sat on the floor again. now all the girls where surrounded her, getting the hair out of her face and rubbing her shoulders doing anything they could to stop her. cheryl now had her hand on lotties forehead to try and stop the bleeding.

'The power of christ compels you!' laura lee had ran upstairs with her bible at the ready, trying to rid lottie of any evil energy. 'begone satan, the power of christ compels you!' she screamed, nothing seems to work. 'lottie! lottie stop!' she tried once more before throwing the book at the screaming girl. that seemed to have worked.

'ow! what the hell laura lee!' lottie moaned at the girl, everyone staring, terrified.

'ok what the fuck just happened?' mari asked confused on what lottie was on.

lottie went to pull cheryl's hand away from her head, seeing the blood. 'no don't move..' cheryl said softly placing her hand back on the gash.

'what the..?' lottie sat there, just as confused as the others.


everyone was back downstairs now, lotties head had been stitched up by misty and after that she passed out in her bed. all of the girls where terrified. 'do you think it's still up there?' one of the girls asked.

'they is nothing up there! lottie has been asking crazy for months.' taissa stated.

'that doesn't explain the french..' allie said, from her window ledge.

'allie, lotties not possessed okay? stop it.' cheryl snapped at her sister, clearly fed up with all this talk of demons. taissa grabbed her pillow and blanket before making her way to the attic. 'wait tai, where the hell are u going?'

'i'm gonna sleep up there tonight, to prove there's nothing there. anyone with me?' she asked. shauna looked at tai then jackie before grabbing her stuff too and walking towards tai.

'er? shauna?' jackie said, shocked.

'tai is right, there's nothing up there, is anyone coming?' shauna turned to the whole room now.
'great, more room for us.' when no one answered her the two girls climbed up the ladder and set up bed there. cheryl laid back down next to van who was already passed out, thinking about what lottie said. 'you must spill blood or else'? what the fuck did that mean? she didn't let it play on her mind to much and went to sleep.


what a chapter, i feel like when i have to write a lot of talking i end up missing some parts so if i do please lmk!
word count:1652

CHERRY BOMB ~ yellow jackets (van palmer) Where stories live. Discover now