Chapter 7 - Carnelion IV

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Author's Note: More with Anakin and Kolara. :)

~ Amina Gila

The Council, it seems, never approves of Obi-Wan's plans. That's nothing new. What surprises him is that it's Master Windu who eventually agrees, so off he and his master and Rex are, on Carnelion IV. The Separatists invaded, predictably, and have seized the planet by force. The circumstances are a bit complicated, so they have to sneak in and train the people to fight for themselves.

They know how to fight already, but they need to teach them to be efficient against droids.

Anakin was more than happy to agree when Kolara commed him with the request in the first place. The... only minor issue arising is that their moments on Carlac together are coming back full force now that he's seeing her again. It isn't that he forgot about it, but he's had more time to accept it, and sometimes...

He wants a life outside war. He wants someone. A future. A family.

Maybe the true problem isn't that. Maybe it's just that he wants her.

Obi-Wan does not look happy about it. He keeps side-eyeing Anakin when he doesn't think he's looking, jaw clenched, and Anakin doesn't understand. He wanted Anakin to have friends when he was younger, before the war, but it never worked out.

Obi-Wan has broken the Code before. Why would he be upset about this? Something that... makes Anakin happy? Or could, because right now, it's just freaking him out.

"What's wrong?" Anakin demands of him finally once they end up off to the side, temporarily alone enough to talk. He doesn't want to confront it head-on like this, but Obi-Wan is upset, and he wants to understand before anything... changes.

"You're distracted," Obi-Wan replies.

Anakin blinks. "I – yeah," he admits, "A little, but that's not it, is it?" He often struggles with staying focused, or at least Obi-Wan always says he does. He tries to focus, but he's always so worried about his friends dying. About failing them.

"I will not be able to remain here to see this mission through," he replies, "We are needed on the fronts. Will you be able to handle this alone?"

As if that's even a choice? Anakin can never say no to an order, any order, no matter what it is, unless it's something good and truly out of line, but the Jedi would never ask him to do something he shouldn't do. "If that's what needs to be done, Master, I'll do it. I'll be fine."

"I am aware you believe in yourself," Obi-Wan responds, "And that is a good thing, but that is not what I am asking."

"I know this planet. These people," Anakin replies firmly, "They need our help."

"That is what I fear," Obi-Wan replies.

Anakin blinks at him, a little hurt and confused. "Being a Jedi always comes first, remember?" That's one thing he's always been told and understands. He can't back out when he's needed here.

"I know," Obi-Wan responds, "But if it comes down to it, I must know which choice you will make."

His mother always told him he could do anything, that he could be anything his heart led him to. Anakin hasn't heard it in so long, but he still remembers. "I'll do whatever I think is right." Anakin's sixteen now. He's been Obi-Wan's padawan for seven years, and his master still doesn't trust him. It hurts probably more than it should.

"I am aware," Obi-Wan sighs.

Anakin watches him, just staring, not really sure what to say. So much about his relationship with his master is complicated. Always has been, and he feels lost. He doesn't want Obi-Wan to worry, and he can reassure him the same way he always did his mom when something was dangerous or tense or... but this is different.

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