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With the managers on their way to take a brief break, I turned my attention to finalizing last-minute preparations for the interviews

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With the managers on their way to take a brief break, I turned my attention to finalizing last-minute preparations for the interviews. Taking a moment to review the files of the candidates, I ensured that everything was in order and that I was fully prepared to conduct the interviews with professionalism and insight. Satisfied with the arrangements, I settled back into my chair, mentally rehearsing my approach for the upcoming interactions. As the clock ticked closer to the scheduled interview time, I steeled myself for the task ahead, ready to represent the company with confidence and poise.

As the final preparations for the interviews were underway, I made my way to the designated interview hall, a spacious room equipped to accommodate all the candidates comfortably. Checking that everything was set up correctly, I ensured that the seating arrangements were arranged to facilitate easy communication and interaction. With the chairs neatly aligned and the room prepared to welcome the candidates, I took a moment to gather my thoughts and mentally prepare for the forthcoming interviews. Ready to meet the candidates and assess their potential .

As the design managers entered, followed by the arrival of Ricky at my behest, we all took our seats and prepared for the start of the interviews. As the candidates began to arrive, Lucas warmly welcomed them into the room, and I made a point of greeting each person as they entered. However, my attention was particularly drawn to Adira, and as our eyes met, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and admiration. When I noticed her stumble slightly, my heart skipped a beat, but thankfully, another candidate quickly steadied her. Despite my own feelings, I averted my gaze, focusing on maintaining a professional demeanor.

As the candidates settled in, I observed their introductions with keen interest, noting their confidence, creativity, and passion for design. Each individual brought their unique perspective and experiences to the table, and I listened intently as they shared their aspirations and goals. Throughout the introductions, I made mental notes of each candidate's strengths and potential, considering how they might contribute to our company's creative vision.

As Adira's turn arrived, all eyes turned to her, including mine. Despite her initial nerves, I noticed Ricky's reassuring nod, which seemed to provide her with a boost of confidence. With a steady voice, she began her introduction.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Adira Thakur. I hail from Mumbai, India. I pursued my Bachelor's in Fashion Technology from INIFD..."

As she continued, I listened intently, impressed by her poised demeanor and the clarity of her presentation. Each word she spoke reflected her passion for her craft and her dedication to her field. As she delved into her background and experiences, I found myself increasingly captivated by her story, unable to tear my gaze away.

As Adira concluded her introduction, there was a palpable sense of awe in the room. Her confidence, articulation, and the depth of her experience left everyone in attendance deeply impressed. The design managers exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the exceptional quality of her interview. Even I, as the CEO, couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Adira's poise and professionalism.

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