Chapter Seven

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*June's POV*

May had drifted off to sleep, her head on my shoulder. I sighed heavily and leaned back, hoping that she wouldn't stir from her slumber. I rubbed her back, relishing the feel of her bare arm against my hand. Her skin was soft, like a baby's. She mumbled in her sleep and I sighed. I shook her gently. "May," I whispered, my lips close to her ear.

"Hmm?" she replied, smacking her lips softly. I smiled at the cute sound.

"You need to go to your own bed," I told her, my lips brushing against the shell of her ear. She groaned in disagreement, her feet moving against the carpet beneath her small coffee table. I sighed heavily and reached down to the crook of her knees, picking her up with ease. I carried her into her room, accidentally bumping her head on the doorframe. I hissed in pain, continuing into her bedroom. I laid her down on the mattress that rested on the floor. I sighed as I laid her down, covering her up. She sighed heavily, curling up underneath the scratchy blanket.

Poor thing. I thought to myself as I turned to walk out of the room. "June," I heard her say and I froze in my tracks. "June, be careful." She sighed softly and I turned around, watching as she screamed. "June, look out!" Her body was beginning to seize up and she rolled every which way. My eyes widened in fear and I ran over to her.

"May? May!" I shouted, gripping her by the shoulders as I tried to wake her, but she did not stir.

"No, June!" Her nails dug into the palms of her hands as she kicked her legs frantically.

"May! May, I need you to wake up!" I shouted, knowing that I was probably causing a ruckus for her neighbors. May's head shook back and forth frantically and reached down, holding her face in my hands. "May, wake up." Tears were falling from her eyes, falling down her cheeks.

"J-J-June!" she screamed through a sob. I straddled her lap, keeping her from kicking me.

"May!" I screamed, shaking her. Her eyes slowly began to flutter open and her fingers wrapped around my wrists tightly.

"June!" she shouted as she pulled me closer to her so that I was practically laying on top of her. I closed my eyes while she sobbed into my shoulder. I rolled off of her and she cuddled into me. "Please don't leave me." She was shaking uncontrollably as she sobbed into my shoulder. I held her close, rubbing her back soothingly while I whispered into her ear.

"You're okay, May. You're okay," I said softly. She pulled back, sniffling and she wiped her eyes.

"My grandmother used to sing to me whenever I had nightmares. I thought for sure that I'd never be able to sleep again without it." I looked at her.

"Are you asking me to sing for you?" May looked towards the door, and back at me, nodding her head.

"Please?" The look in her eyes was so touching, and I had never been able to say no to a sweet wonderful woman like May and I started to sing the first song that came to mind.

"If I don't say this now, I will surely break. As I'm leaving the one I want to take. Forget the urgency, but hurry up and wait. My heart has started to separate. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh. Be my baby. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh. Be my baby. I'll look after you. There now, steady love, so few come and don't go. Will you, won't you be the one I'll always know?" May stopped shaking and slowly relaxed, but her grip didn't loosen. "When I'm losing control, the city spins around. You're the only one who knows, you slow it down." Before I knew it, she was snoring up a storm. I chuckled to myself and reached one hand up, stroking her cheek.

*May's POV*

When I woke up the next morning, I found myself to be wrapped up in June's arms. Her red hair had been thrown all over my pillows and she looked so at peace. I sat up, looking down at her with a small smile on my face. She had saved me from yet another nightmare. I reached down and lightly traced her jaw with my forefinger. She stayed. I thought to myself happily. She stayed the whole night, and never left my side. My hair fell over my right shoulder. My hand came to rest under her chin. Misty could be right. Maybe June is good for me. I thought to myself.

I bit my lip in thought and her eyes opened slowly, as if her eyes were adjusting to the bright lighting of my small bedroom. Her blue eyes gleamed as they landed on me. "Hi," she said groggily. I smiled down at her.

"Good morning, sleepy head. Could I interest you in some breakfast? I don't work until noon," I told her. She sat up, running her fingers through her long hair. I looked at her and she smiled at me. She stretched her arms high above her head.

"Thanks, but I can't. I have to be getting home before my mother tears down the house with Jack in it." I chuckled, knowing that she probably wasn't joking. She got up, dressed in the same clothes from last night. I got up, adjusting my pajamas. "I hope you don't mind that I slept in your bed with you." I chuckled again.

"I would've been offended if you hadn't." June laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Well I should be going." She slowly headed towards the bedroom door.

"I'll walk you out!" I hurried after her, walking behind her. She stood by the door and I leaned against the wall. I smiled at her. "I really enjoyed having you stay, June." She smiled in return.

"I enjoyed it as well. Thank you for having me." I felt my cheeks grow slightly hotter.

"You should definitely come stay again some time...if you want to I mean." June's smile widened.

"I'd love that. However I have to go home." She stepped closer to me, and for a moment I thought that she was going to kiss me. Until she tugged on the door that I was leaning on. My face turned bright red. "You're in front of the door." I stepped away from it, rubbing the nape of my neck nervously. "I'll see you later. You should get some sleep. If something happens just call me. Maybe we can do something with Jack or something." I smiled.

"I'd like that." June walked out, closing the door behind her while I plopped down on the couch, smiling wickedly.

"I can't wait for that," I said to myself.

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