Chapter Six

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I sat through the whole interview, bouncing my knee, one of my nervous ticks. I had made sure that Jackson was dropped off at one of his friends' house before coming straight here. Buzz talks to me, basically just filling me in on protocol of the business. I'd get a thousand dollars a week and two thousand for each job that I complete. I shake Buzz's hand, promising to be in first thing Monday morning, but he shakes his head in disagreement. "I want you moved into an apartment. It won't be luxurious like Mitch's, but you'll get there one day. I will have about three thousand dollars deposited into your bank account to give you a little bit more of a head start in your search. I know that the Wilmington buildings have a few places opened, but it depends on your preference," he tells me and I nod my head in understanding.

"Thank you, Buzz. I'll start looking and get moved in straight away," I tell him enthusiastically. I leave the interview with a Cheshire Cat grin. I got into my car and drive to the diner. I walk inside, unable to wait until I could share the news with May. I could move closer to May! I think happily. I bite my lip as I walk inside. May's friend, Misty, is working and she smiles at me.

"Hey there, June Bug!" she shouts happily, coming around the counter to give me a hug. I pat her back and step back.

"It's good to see you again, Misty." She nods her head.

"You too. What brings you down here?" She smirks. "As if I don't already know." She winks, causing my cheeks to turn pink. I scratch the nape of my neck nervously.

"Just wanted one of those delicious shakes is all. Think you could get me one?" She shakes her head and rolls her eyes playfully.

"Sure, June, but don't think I don't notice the glances you give May when she isn't looking. You really like her, don't you?" I shift my weight from foot to foot. I didn't enjoy being caught.

"Yes," I say softly. "Yes, I do like May."

"That's why you took her out on that extravagant shopping spree, the movie, the dinner. You want her to like you too, don't you?" I nod my head, chuckling.

"Let me guess, it's a stupid idea that won't ever work," she raises a brow at my words. "I know about the guy that May was with. She's straight, isn't she?" Misty's face falls and just when she is about to answer, May comes around the corner with a tray of food in her hands. She glances over and smiles at me. Misty drops her head and goes back behind the counter.

"I'll get you that shake, June. Do you want anything else?" She looks nervous now and I shrug my shoulders.

"Some extra salty fries would be nice if you wouldn't mind." She nods her head and pops back into the kitchen. I look over at May, watching her serve the hungry patrons. She smiles at them brightly, making small talk. She picks up the large tray and walks away from them. The older gentleman, while his wife is busy chatting with his daughter, glances back and stares at May's backside. He catches me watching him and turns his head back. Pervert. May doesn't come over to me, she just goes back into the kitchen area and comes back out with more food. Misty comes back out with a small basket of fries and a tall strawberry shake.

"You okay?" she asks. I look up at her, trying to mask my disappointment at May's neglect. I nod my head, slurping on my shake. "Don't lie. What's wrong?" I look at the rest of the counter. No one else was paying any attention to us, not even May.

"Just thought that May would be happier to see me." I shrug my shoulders. "I wanted to share some good news with her, but she seems so busy."

"It's the lunch rush. Wait another hour or so and it'll slow down." She glances in May's direction. I sigh heavily.

"I hate to ask this, but could you put the fries in a to go box...and my shake?" Misty frowns and stares into my eyes.

"You're going to leave? I thought you wanted to talk to May?" I nod my head, running my fingers through my hair nervously.

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