This makes me love u 10x more

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Lucy- ugh I hate drinking so much
Tim- Well the only annoying part about drinking ja hangovers
Lucy- ik it's horrible, I'm like ancient now I can't drink
Tim- Luce your only what like 28
Lucy- ye so?
Tim- that's young
Lucy- I guess

It went silent for a couple of minutes , Tim sat up and pulled her onto his lap

Tim- whatcha thinking bout
Lucy- murder
Tim- Lucy..
Lucy- if I killed someone, burned there body leaving no traces if them or me behind would I make s good killer?
Tim- I mean ye but why
Lucy- I just wanted to know
Tim- ok *kisses her head* your really cute u know
Lucy- Ik

She lays her head on hi lap and layed across the couch , she had tims hand and was playing with it, it hit 12.30

Tim- Babe do ya want some lunch
Lucy- no I'm tryna cut down on eating
Tim- What, why?
Lucy- Idk to be healthy, some of the men co workers recommended it
Tim- Luce they were technically telling u to go on a diet
Lucy- oh ye
Tim- So what would u like for lunch
Lucy- Idk what were u thinking
Tim- Well I'm amazing at making tomato pasta
Lucy- mk show me what u got cowboy
Tim- fine

After he finished cooking he dishes it up and sprinkled some parmesan cheese on  both and walked to the table

Lucy- mmm this is amazing, this just made me fall in love with u 10x more
Tim- that good huh
Lucy- Mhm, YK the way to a womans heart is always 3 things; food, princess treatment, cuddles , well it is for me anyway
Tim- And which boxes do I check
Lucy- u check, food and princess treatment, still waiting for loads of cuddles
Tim- *chuckles* ok

After that they load the dishwasher and cuddle on the couch

Lucy-  and last one is checked your officially in my heart
Tim- good I'm glad *kisses her*
Lucy- your obsessed with me
Tim- No I'm not
Lucy- Definitely are, u kiss me every 2 minutes wether it's my cheek, head or lips
Tim- oh well u like that
Lucy- I do *kisses his jaw*
Tim- *yawns* I'm tired
Lucy- that makes 2 of us, I'm going for a nap
Tim- Ok I'll join

They got to the bed and fall asleep but set an alarm to wake up at 4

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