The Truth, Part 2

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"So, I take it you want to know what I mean by that?" Mysaria playfully asked.

Lilyanna became annoyed, "You know that I want to know, Mysaria. So can you please stop messing with me?"

"There have been rumors and stories pertaining to the deaths of Queen Rhaenys, her son, Aenys, and Maegor the Cruel." Mysaria answered.

"Just rumors?" Lilyanna asked, knowing that if they were going to make a case against the Citadel and the Faith, they would need hard evidence.

"Their deaths were orchestrated on the Citadel's orders. They had agents sent to Dragonstone and the Red Keep, disposing of Aenys and Maegor."

"And Queen Rhaenys?"

"House Uller was not in possession of a scorpion bolt before the Queen's attack on Hellholt. The scorpion they had was newly built, after a letter from the Starry Sept was deliver to Uthor Uller and the lord asked Princess Meria Martell to have one sent to Hellholt.

"But why House Uller? There were more prominent locations than Hellholt." Lilyanna asked.

"That is true, but there were other letters being penned to other houses across Westeros. It just so happened that the Ullers were able to kill the Queen before the other houses across Westeros could receive word of the dragon killing weapons the Dronish had from their Rhoynar ancestors. And by that point Aegon and Visenya had already begun the Dragon's Wroth, so it was too late to send word, otherwise if they were caught, they too could meet the same fate that Dorne did during those two years." Mysaria explained.

Lilyanna leaned back in her seat as she digested the information she had received; while this more than proved that she was right about the Great Conspiracy, knowing about it brought her no closer to bringing the whole thing down.

"I don't suppose any other these letters still exist?" Lilyanna asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer.

"Over a hundred years later? Not a chance in all the hells." Mysaria scoffed.

"I thought as much." Lilyanna sighed, "Honestly, if have the things you have told me are true, it's miracle the Targaryen dynasty lasted a hundred years, let alone the almost three hundred that it would eventually reach."

"Yes, you lizards do seem too stubborn to die or see when you are unwanted." Mysaria agreed, smiling at the roll of Lilyanna's eyes.

To be honest I don't know if Mysaria is right about Targaryens being stubborn or if the coalition of the Citadel and the Faith are just incredibly incompetent, unable to kill off our family despite having the advantage of being unknown and their Valyrian enemy being ignorant and arrogant. Lilyanna thought.

"And Lady Jeyne? You said their was a plot to kill the Lady Paramount, and she is the only one." The princess questioned.

"While there is nothing concrete, there have been ravens being seen going from the Starry Sept and the cadet branch of House Arryn in Gulltown, and they have been increasing over the last few years."

"And you think Lady Jeyne's cousin is colluding with the Faith to make himself Lord of the Vale?"

Lilyanna had yet to hear of Arnold being thrown into the sky cells by his cousin, so she knew that his first rebellion against Jeyne had yet to happen. But it made less sense to her that the Faith would aid him in this endeavor, at least while Jeyne was still alive. Andal customs favored her over Arnold as she was the closet descendant to the pervious Warden of the East.

"Like I said there is nothing concrete, but it is something to keep watch of, especially as Lady Jeyne is related to your sister." Mysaria reiterated.

Right, Jeyne and Rhaenyra are cousins. While most would not bother giving Arnold the time of day, an organization that believes in male preference may back him if they see Jeyne as giving Rhaenyra her support in a possible war and they don't think they can sway her to their side.

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