Divergences and Constants

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A Year Later

Aegon has always thought that his sister Lilyanna was weird.

Not a bad weird, but weird non the less.

To be fair, he thought that all of his younger siblings were weird, but in Aegon's opinion it was most obvious with Lilyanna, with Helaena being a remarkably close second, then Aemond and Daeron following behind them.

The children of the Keep, with the expectation of Jacaerys and Daeron who were too young, were currently in the middle of their history lesson with Maester Androw.

The maester was a short round old man with a couple of wispy strands of white hair that clung to his scalp as if to keep the man from truly being called bald, pale sagging skin, various scars on his hands, and wore the traditional robes of his profession.

Sweet, kind, and innocent Helaena had once told her siblings that Maester Androw reminded her of the beached whale they had once seen through the window of the nursery that had washed up on the shores of Blackwater Bay. Aegon remembered himself and Lilyanna laughing until it hurt them too much to continue when they heard that.

Now, Aegon sat in between Helaena and Lilyanna at a long table in the center of the room, each of them had parchment, quills, and ink in front of them that they used to take notes. Aemond sat in the corner of the room at a small desk with their Septa who was helping him learn how to read and write.

The eldest prince was bored out of his mind as he watched the old man in front of him go on about a subject he could not care less about.

At least this is better than our lessons on sums. Aegon thought to himself.

"Which of you can tell me what the first piece of land was the Andals were able to wrest from the First Men during their arrival?" Maester Androw asked.

Aegon rolled his eyes. Why does it matter where they landed? All that matters is that the Andals beat the First Men and ruled Westeros. And then the dragons ruled them...

"Prince Aegon, can you answer my question?" Maester Androw asked, tired of waiting for someone to volunteer and deciding to randomly pick one of his students.

"Oh!" Aegon exclaimed, not expecting to be called on, "Ugh...They landed on the..."

Just as he was about to tell the maester that he did not know the answer, he saw that a small piece of ripped parchment had been placed on his right thigh. On the sheet the word 'fingers' had been hastily written down.

"The Andals first claimed the Fingers when they invaded." Aegon confidently spoke, knowing the answer to be correct as Lilyanna had been the one to give it to him.

Maester Androw raised his eyebrow, "That is correct, my prince." Just when Aegon thought that man would move on he asked, "And where is that?"

"Where is what?" Aegon asked.

"Where are the Fingers on the map of Westeros? Surely you should know that, Your Grace." Androw clarified.

"Oh, that's easy. The Fingers are in the North!" Aegon once replied with the same confidence but saw the look of disappointment on his teacher's face.

"That would be incorrect. The Fingers are in the Vale of Arryn, not the North." Androw stated. "You must pay proper during attention these lesson, Prince Aegon."

The maester the turned towards Lilyanna, "And you cannot keep giving your brother the answers, Princess Lilyanna."

Lilyanna stared at the man blankly before asking, "Why not?"

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