the life stuff

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I watched as an ambulance arrived to take nanako to the hospital and sat down with Gabe.

Gabe: so what do we do now?

Y/N: we wait for her to get better.


I quickly got up and decided that today would be a good day to catch up with Gabe.


We sat down together and decided to continue studying.

Gabe: so this is the correct formula right.

Y/N: it matches my answer.

Gabe's phone vibrated. It was a text.

Gabe: y/n, I'm sorry about this but I've got to go look after my little brother. My parents are going out of town for a few days.

Y/N: we'll continue when you want to.

Gabe: thanks.

Social link up

Rank 3

I got my stuff packed up and went home.

I walked to the store and bought some supplies. As I was walking out I noticed the homeless man sitting in the alley. I approach him and noticed he was drinking beer.


Y/N: did you use the money I gave you for that?

Homeless man: what if I did!!! Do you have any idea how hard it is to live in the streets.

He looked at me and I noticed he was bleeding from his mouth.

Y/N: what happened?

Homeless man: it's none of your business.

Y/N: please, answer me.

Homeless man: *sigh* their are different types of people on the streets kid. Not all of them are good natured.

Y/N: did somebody try to stop it?

Homeless man: nope, but it's better that way. I don't want people's attention. So scram.

Y/N: I'll check on you another day.

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Rank 2

Allow yourself to avoid enemy aggression.

I returned home and went to bed.


I walked outside and got dressed for work at the food truck.


I was gathering orders at the food truck. I noticed that Ren seemed to slightly distracted.

As we closed up for the day, Ren immediately got on the phone.

Ren: futaba, how bad is it? I know, I'm worried. hold on a moment. Y/N you can head on home.

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Rank 3

I headed home and got studying.


When class ended I headed to go see Rebecca.


I approached her as she was sitting on a bench outside the school.

Rebecca: I'm surprised you came back to see me.

Y/N: I am not the uncaring loner people think I am.

Rebecca: *giggle* yeah I see that.

Y/N: what you working on?

Rebecca: AP history, then I've got AP mathematics.

Y/N: you should really focus on one subject.

Rebecca: yeah, no that's the worst thing I could do. Please don't try to give me advice when you don't understand how hard it is.

Y/N: it's pretty obvious you're mad at me, so I'm gonna leave before things get worse.

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Rank 2
Increased item efficiency

I walked away and headed home.

As I headed home I stopped by jane. She was wearing a trench coat and hat.

Y/N: Jane?

Jane: my master doesn't know I'm here.

persona 6 (male reader x fan made persona story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon