You're a loser, Baby

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[Cody's POV]

I awoke later than I intended.

My alarm, which was normally set for around 7am, was promptly destroyed via no battery power left as soon as it went off.

Alcohol still blurred everything that I saw, I couldn't even make out the corners of my room anymore. So I just lay down, sighing softly.

I shuffled to my side to check if Noah was still there beside me. But instead of his warm figure, I groaned in annoyance where my hands only met empty and winkled bedsheets. At least I still had Jerry beside me.

Where could that Bookworm gone?

I sat up too fast and the world spun around me in a disorienting array of colors.

My head still throbbed. Looking around, I found a still steaming hot cup of coffee and a bagel on my bedside table. There was a small note beside the little dish.

"Made this bagel and coffee 4 u. You were too fuckin lazy. I'm probably in the living room


Jeez. At least he had the courage to make me breakfast for once. That was kinda of considerate knowing Noah from his time on Total drama.

I shakily let out the breath I was absentmindedly holding and began to drink the coffee left at my bedside table. When I glanced at the note, the memories of yesterday flooded in again.

I choked on my drink.

Groaning with embarrassment, I tried to convince myself last night wasn't real.


With anxiety radiating through my dazed, hungover body, I forced myself out of bed and sped through my normal routine. Somehow, I kept trying to think of a casual way to bring the event up without retraumatizing either party.

I practiced a variety of apologies in the mirror as I got dressed in my casual clothes for the weekend.

The worst part I decided was that I felt guilty for not feeling as guilty as I should.

In fact, I even felt.. Off today. to say the least.

As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stumbled into my kitchen, I was greeted with a sight that gave me a slight jump. Noah, was standing in my kitchen, casually sipping a cup of tea while reading something on his phone.

I turned around to see him fully, still half-asleep and trying to wake up fully. "Hey, Noah. What are you doing up so early?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee despite knowing my heart was strangely going mile-a-minute on me.

Noah shrugged, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Just thought I'd wake up early and make ya breakfast since you were sleeping like it was the best sleep of your fuckin life."

I felt my cheeks flush at the realization that Noah had actually taken notice of me. I had never thought that Noah would ever pay me any attention after the Incident.

As Noah took another sip of his coffee, I can't help but admire how effortlessly attractive he looked even first thing in the morning. His messy hair and stubbled chin only added to hi-

"So, what's up with you today?" Noah asked, breaking my slightly embarrassing thoughts.

I cleared my throat, trying to gather his thoughts. "Oh, um, not much. know, the usual. How about you?"

Noah chuckled, a twinkle in his eye. "Just trying to survive another day in this crazy world. But seeing you bright and early definitely makes it a little more bearable."

My heart skipped a beat at the implication of Noah's words. Could it be possible that Noah felt the same way about me as I did? Or was I just imagining things? 

I shrugged, not really caring about the time. "I guess I just needed some extra sleep. What are you reading?" I asked, walking over to the couch and peering at his phone in his hand.

Noah glanced down at his phone and then back up at me, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "It's a romance fanfic. You wouldn't be interested."

I raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit defensive. "Just because I don't know a thing about love doesn't mean I don't like romance fanfics," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Noah laughed, causing me to blush slightly. "Sure, Cody. Whatever you say."

I rolled my eyes at him, feeling a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment. Why did he always have to tease me like that? "Well, I'm going to go get dressed. See you later, Noah," I said, quickly retreating back to my room.


I quickly finished my Coffee (With extra sugar, just the way I like it) and excused myself, mumbling something about needing to get back to work. As I hurried back to my room, I couldn't shake the image of Noah's playful smirk from my mind. He was so enchanting, so magnetic. And for some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Back in the privacy of my room, I flopped onto my bed, my heart racing. What was happening to me? I had never felt this way about anyone before, especially not my own roommate. But there was something about Noah that pulled me in, something that made me want to be closer to him.

I lay there for what felt like hours, replaying the morning's conversation in my head. And despite the awkwardness and the flustering feelings, I couldn't help but smile. Maybe this was the start of something new, something exciting.

I tried to push the thoughts out of my head, but they kept resurfacing, making me feel flustered and confused. What was I supposed to do with these feelings for my roommate? How could I handle being around him when all I could think about was kissing him?

As I sat on my bed, trying to regain some semblance of composure, I couldn't help but wonder if Noah knew how much he affected me. And if he did, would he feel the same way? Only time would tell, but for now, all I could do was try to navigate these newfound emotions and hope that Noah didn't catch on to how much he had me wrapped around his finger.

As I sat in my room, staring at the blank walls surrounding me, I couldn't shake the overwhelming feeling of confusion that had been consuming me for the past few days. It all started when I realized that my feelings for my roommate, Noah, were more than just friendly. I tried to push the thoughts away, telling myself that it was just a passing phase or that I was imagining things.

I couldn't believe it. How could I have let myself fall for someone who was already my friend and roommate? It was a recipe for disaster, and I knew it. I tried to convince myself that it was all in my head, that I was just overthinking things. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't deny the way my heart raced whenever Noah walked into the room or the way my stomach fluttered whenever he smiled at me.

I felt like I was trapped in a never-ending spiral of confusion and self-doubt. One minute, I was convinced that my feelings for Noah were real and undeniable. The next minute, I was trying to convince myself that we were just friends and nothing more. It was like a constant battle between my heart and my mind, each one pulling me in a different direction.

After a few minutes of internal struggle, I finally let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through my hair. "This is insane," I muttered to myself. "I can't keep living in this state of confusion. I have to figure things out once and for all."

But before I could stand up from my bed, My bedroom door creaked open, revealing a very concerned yet blank-faced Noah.

"Cody, are you okay?" Noah asked, his brow furrowed in worry.

I blinked for a few minutes before responding to his question, "Yeah, Y-yeah I am. Now I have to get to work now! I'll be back at 2:00 pm!"

But I knew.. I knew the truth behind my happy façade. I had feelings for Noah.

♪"You're a loser, Baby, A loser, Just like me.♪ - A Noco Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن